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Global: ^C0CRXN(176.001

Package: RxNorm for VISTA

Global: ^C0CRXN(176.001


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RxNorm for VISTA 1 C0CRXNRD    

Fields, Total: 6

Field # Name Loc Type Details
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:+X'=X!(X>9999999)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1.N) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 25, 2011
    SOURCE OF DATA:   Piece 1 from RxNorm file RXNCONSO.RRF
  • CROSS-REFERENCE:  176.001^B
    1)= S ^C0CRXN(176.001,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^C0CRXN(176.001,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
  • RECORD INDEXES:  RXN2VUID (#477), SBD (#478), SCD (#302)

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:+X'=X!(X>9999999)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1.N) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 26, 2011
  • HELP-PROMPT:  RXAUI from RxNorm
    SOURCE OF DATA:   Piece 8 from RXCONSO.RRF
    1)= S ^C0CRXN(176.001,"RXAUI",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^C0CRXN(176.001,"RXAUI",$E(X,1,30),DA)
    RxNorm Atom Concepts Index

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>15!($L(X)<2) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 22, 2011
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Source Abbreviation from RxNorm
    Abbreviation of the source of the attribute. Possible values appear in RXNSAB.RRF and are listed in Appendix B.4 of the Metathesaurus documentation
    SOURCE OF DATA:   Piece 12 from RXCONSO.RRF
  • RECORD INDEXES:  RXN2VUID (#477), SCD (#302), VUID (#303)

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>11!($L(X)<2) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 25, 2011
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Term Type
  • DESCRIPTION:  TTY (Term Type in Source)
    AA      Attribute type abbreviation
    AB      Abbreviation in any source vocabulary
    ACR     Acronym
    AC      Activities
    AD      Adjective
    AM      Short form of modifier
    AS      Attribute type synonym
    AT      Attribute type
    BD      Fully-specified drug brand name that can be prescribed
    BN      Fully-specified drug brand name that can not be prescribed
    BPCK    Branded Drug Delivery Device
    BSY     Broad synonym
    BioCPT  BioCarta PT
    CA2     ISO 3166-1 standard country code in alpha-2 (two-letter) format
    CA3     ISO 3166-1 standard country code in alpha-3 (three-letter) format
    CCN     Chemical code name
    CCS     FIPS 10-4 country code
    CC      Trimmed ICPC component process
    CDA     Clinical drug name in abbreviated format
    CDCPT   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention PT
    CDC     Clinical drug name in concatenated format (NDDF), Clinical drug
    name (NDFRT)
    CDD     Clinical drug name in delimited format
    CDISCPT Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium PT
    CDISCSY Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium SY
    CD      Clinical Drug
    CE      Entry "term" to a Supplementary Concept "term"
    CHN     Chemical structure name
    CL      Class
    CMN     Common name
    CN      LOINC official component name
    CO      Component name (these are hierarchical terms, as opposed to the
    LOINC component names which are analytes)
    CP      ICPC component process (in original form)
    CSN     Chemical Structure Name
    CS      Short component process in ICPC, i.e. include some abbreviations
    CTCAEPT Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events Preferred Term
    CU      Common usage
    CV      Content view
    CX      Component process in ICPC with abbreviations expanded
    DCPPT   Division of Cancer Prevention Program PT
    DCPSY   Division of Cancer Prevention Program Synonym
    DEV     Descriptor entry version
    DE      Descriptor
    DF      Dose Form
    DI      Disease name
    DN      Display Name
    DO      Domain
    DP      Drug Product
    DSV     Descriptor sort version
    DS      Short form of descriptor
    DTPPT   NCI Developmental Therapeutics Program Preferred Term
    DTPSY   Developmental Therapeutics Program SY
    DT      Definitional term, present in the Metathesaurus because of its
    connection to a Dorland's definition or to a definition created
    especially for the Metathesaurus
    DX      Diagnosis
    EN      MeSH nonprint entry "term"
    EP      Entry "term"
    EQ      Equivalent name
    ES      Short form of entry term
    ETAV    Entry Term Allelic Variant
    ET      Entry "term"
    EX      Expanded form of entry term
    FBD     Foreign brand name
    FDAAB   Food and Drug Administration AB
    FDAPT   Food and Drug Administration PT
    FDASY   Food and Drug Administration SY
    FI      Finding name
    FN      Full form of descriptor
    GN      Generic drug name
    GO      Goal
    GPCK    Generic Drug Delivery Device
    GT      Glossary "term"
    HC      Hierarchical class
    HD      Hierarchical descriptor
    HGJKN1  Japanese High Level Group Term (kana1)
    HGJKN   Japanese High Level Group Term (kana)
    HG      High Level Group Term
    HS      Short or alternate version of hierarchical term
    HTJKN1  Japanese Hierarchical term (kana1)
    HTJKN   Japanese Hierarchical term (kana)
    HTN     HL7 Table Name
    HT      Hierarchical term
    HX      Expanded version of short hierarchical term
    ID      Nursing indicator
    INP     Ingredient preparation
    IN      Name for an ingredient
    IS      Obsolete Synonym
    IT      Index "term", i.e., derived from the index to any non-MeSH source
    IVC     Intervention categories
    IV      Intervention
    JAXPT   NCI Mouse Terminology PT
    JAXSY   NCI Mouse Terminology SY
    KEGGPT  Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes PT
    LN      LOINC official fully specified name
    LO      Obsolete official fully specified name
    LPDN    LOINC parts display name
    LPN     LOINC parts name
    LS      Expanded system/sample type (The expanded version was created for
    the Metathesaurus and includes the full name of some
    LTJKN1  Japanese Lower Level Term (kana1)
    LTJKN   Japanese Lower Level Term (kana)
    LT      Lower Level Term
    LV      Lexical variant
    LX      Official fully specified name with expanded abbreviations
    MD      CCS multi-level diagnosis categories
    MH      Main heading
    MOA     Mechanism of action
    MP      Preferred names of modifiers
    MS      Multum names of branded and generic supplies or supplements
    MTH_AB  MTH abbreviation
    MTH_ACR MTH acronym
    MTH_BD  MTH fully-specified drug brand name that can be prescribed
    MTH_BSY Metathesaurus broad synonym expanded
    MTH_CHN MTH chemical structure name
    MTH_EP  MTH entry "term"
    MTH_FN  MTH Full form of descriptor
    MTH_HG  MTH High Level Group Term
    MTH_HT  MTH Hierarchical term
    MTH_ID  Metathesaurus expanded form of nursing indicator
    MTH_IS  Metathesaurus-supplied form of obsolete synonym
    MTH_LT  MTH Lower Level Term
    MTH_LV  MTH lexical variant
    MTH_MH  MTH main heading
    MTH_NPT MTH non-preferred for language term
    MTH_NSY Metathesaurus narrow synonym expanded
    MTH_OF  Metathesaurus-supplied form of obsolete fully specified name
    MTH_OL  MTH Non-current Lower Level Term
    MTH_OPN Metathesaurus obsolete preferred term, natural language form
    MTH_OP  Metathesaurus obsolete preferred term
    MTH_OS  MTH System-organ class
    MTH_PEP MTH preferred entry "term"
    MTH_PTGB        Metathesaurus-supplied form of British preferred term
    MTH_PTN Metathesaurus preferred term, natural language form
    MTH_PT  Metathesaurus preferred term
    MTH_RLS Metathesaurus related synonym expanded
    MTH_RXN_BD      RxNorm Created BD
    MTH_RXN_CD      RxNorm Created CD
    MTH_RXN_DP      RxNorm Created DP
    MTH_SI  MTH Sign or symptom of
    MTH_SMQ Metathesaurus version of Standardised MedDRA Query
    MTH_SYGB        Metathesaurus-supplied form of British synonym
    MTH_SY  MTH Designated synonym
    MV      Multi-level procedure category
    N1      Chemical Abstracts Service Type 1 name of a chemical
    NM      Supplementary chemical "term", a name of a substance
    NPT     HL7 non-preferred for language term
    NP      Non-preferred term
    NSY     Narrow synonym
    NS      Short form of non-preferred term
    NX      Expanded form of non-preferred term
    OAM     Obsolete Modifier Abbreviation
    OA      Obsolete abbreviation
    OBS     Obsolete broad synonym
    OB      Obsolete term
    OCD     Obsolete clinical drug
    OC      Nursing outcomes
    OF      Obsolete fully specified name
    OLJKN1  Japanese Non-current Lower Level Term (kana1)
    OLJKN   Japanese Non-current Lower Level Term (kana)
    OLX     Expanded LOINC obsolete fully specified name
    OL      Non-current Lower Level Term
    OM      Obsolete modifiers in HCPCS
    ONP     Obsolete non-preferred for language term
    ONS     Obsolete narrow synonym
    OOSN    Obsolete official short name
    OPN     Obsolete preferred term, natural language form
    OP      Obsolete preferred term
    ORS     Obsolete related synonym
    OR      Orders
    OSJKN1  Japanese System-organ class in the WHO Adverse Reaction
    Terminology (kana1)
    OSJKN   Japanese System-organ class in the WHO Adverse Reaction
    Terminology (kana)
    OSN     Official short name
    OS      System-organ class in the WHO Adverse Reaction Terminology
    OWL     rdf:ID of the owl class
    PCE     Preferred entry "term" to a Supplementary Concept "term"
    PC      Preferred "trimmed term" in ICPC
    PEN     Preferred MeSH nonprint entry "term"
    PEP     Preferred entry "term"
    PE      Physiologic effect
    PK      Pharmacokinetics
    PM      Machine permutation
    PN      Metathesaurus preferred name
    PQ      Qualifier for a problem
    PR      Name of a problem
    PSC     Protocol selection criteria
    PS      Short forms that needed full specification
    PTAV    Preferred Allelic Variant
    PTCS    Preferred Clinical Synopsis
    PTGB    British preferred term
    PTJKN1  Japanese Designated preferred name (kana1)
    PTJKN   Japanese Designated preferred name (kana)
    PTN     Preferred term, natural language form
    PT      Designated preferred name
    PXQ     Preferred term in preferred qualifier concept.
    PX      Expanded preferred terms (pair with PS)
    QAB     Qualifier abbreviation
    QEV     Qualifier entry version
    QSV     Qualifier sort version
    RAB     Root abbreviation
    RENIDN  Registry Nomenclature Information Display Name
    RHT     Root hierarchical term
    RLS     Related synonym
    RPT     Root preferred term
    RSY     Root synonym
    RS      Extracted related names in SNOMED2
    RT      Designated related "term"
    SBDC    Semantic Branded Drug Component
    SBDF    Semantic branded drug and form
    SBD     Semantic branded drug
    SB      Named subset of a source
    SCALE   Scale
    SCDC    Semantic Drug Component
    SCDF    Semantic clinical drug and form
    SCD     Semantic Clinical Drug
    SCN     Scientific name
    SC      Special Category term
    SD      CCS single-level diagnosis categories
    SI      Name of a sign or symptom of a problem
    SMQ     Standardised MedDRA Query
    SN      Official component synonym in LOINC
    SP      CCS single-level procedure categories
    SSN     Source short name, used in the UMLS Knowledge Source Server
    SS      Synonymous "short" forms
    ST      Step
    SU      Active Substance
    SX      Mixed-case component synonym with expanded abbreviations
    SYGB    British synonym
    SYN     Designated alias
    SY      Designated synonym
    TA      Task
    TC      Term class
    TG      Name of the target of an intervention
    TQ      Topical qualifier
    TX      CCPSS synthesized problems for TC termgroup
    UCN     Unique common name
    UE      Unique equivalent name
    USN     Unique scientific name
    USY     Unique synonym
    VAB     Versioned abbreviation
    VPT     Versioned preferred term
    VSY     Versioned synonym
    XD      Expanded descriptor in AOD
    XM      Cross mapping set
    XQ      Alternate name for a qualifier
    XX      Expanded string
    SOURCE OF DATA:   Piece 13 from RXNCONSO.RRF
  • RECORD INDEXES:  RXN2VUID (#477), SBD (#478), SCD (#302), VUID (#303)

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 22, 2011
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Code for the entry
    "Most useful" source asserted identifier (if the source vocabulary has more than one identifier), or a Metathesaurus-generated source entry identifier (if the source vocabulary has none.)
    SOURCE OF DATA:   Piece 14 from RXNCONSO.RRF
  • RECORD INDEXES:  RXN2VUID (#477), VUID (#303)
5 STR 1;0 WORD-PROCESSING #176.0015
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