This file stores information used for creating compiled SORT routines. During the FileMan SORT/PRINT option, if the user has specified that a sort template is compiled, a routine name is generated by concatenating "DIZS" with the next available number from this list. A flag indicates whether or not a number is currently in use.
INPUT TRANSFORM: K:+X'=X!(X>9999)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X S:$D(X) DINUM=X
HELP-PROMPT: Type a Number between 1 and 9999, 0 Decimal Digits
DESCRIPTION: This is a number that can be used to generate the name of a compiled SORT routine. The literal 'DIZS' is concatenated with the number to form a compiled sort routine name. The routine will be in use only during the
running of a sort/print. After the print completes, the number is again made available for use.
TECHNICAL DESCR: Generated and used during the FileMan sort/print option. Manipulated in routine DIOZ, that is called from DIO1. DIOZ checks a cross-reference on the 'IN USE' flag to find the next available number. If none are
available, a new one is added to the file.
DESCRIPTION: During the running of the FileMan sort/print, if the sort is compiled, a cross-reference on this flag is checked to find the first available number that is not in use. The number is then marked in use and is concatenated
on the end of literal 'DIZS' to create the routine name of the compiled routine. After the sort/print completes, the flag is then reset to 'NOT IN USE'.
TECHNICAL DESCR: Manipulated in routine DIOZ that is called from the FileMan sort routine DIO1. The cross-reference on this field is used to control when a number is available for use to create a compiled sort routine name. After the
sort/print runs, the flag is set back to NOT IN USE so that the number is again available.
1)= S ^DI(.83,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^DI(.83,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA)
This cross-reference is used to control when a routine number is available for use in creating a compiled sort routine, during the FileMan sort/print option.