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Option: LRDOWN

Package: Lab Service

Option: LRDOWN

Source Information

Name Value
MENU TEXT Download a load list to an Instrument.
This option invokes a instrument specific routine to take a load list
MUST be carefull in managment of the load list for the instrument.
At this time all cups that are on the load list will be sent so that
care must be taken to see that only accessions that should be sent
are built and that after sending the load list is unloaded and
these accessions are not built to the load list when setting up the
load list for the next run.
Tech notes:  This is done in a two pass operation.
1. This pass gets the accession and tests from the load list and
builds records for the instrument that are stored in node 2 of the
and prepare it for sending (downloading) to the instrument.
cup entry (see DD listing).
2. In this pass the data from pass 1 is put together in the form
that is needed for the protocall. For the Ektachem700, LAEKT7D
builds the records that need to be sent, and LAKERM2 adds
the kermit file headers, record head and checksum, and file trailer.
This is all controled by LRDOWN along with the autoinstrument file.
The entry points into LAKERM2 or other protocall routines have
fixed names: START^LAxxx is called once before the first data call.
NEXT^LAxxx is called once for each tray before the cup data is 
started. (with the ektachem each tray is a file.)
The option first asks what instrument to work on, Then tells what load
DATA^LAxxx (both parts from the file) is called for each record
found in the load list.
END^LAxxx is called once at the end to close out the file.
list will be used.  There is a question asking if the job should be 
queued to the background.  Then each cup of each tray that has been
built into the load list is worked on by the instrument specific
routine to prepare it for sending.  The data from this pass is saved
in the load list file in node 2 of the cup entry.  This means that
only one instrument can use the load list at a time.  The lab techs
TYPE run routine

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 1

Package Total Call Graph
Lab Service 1 ^LRDOWN  

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
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