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Routine: ACDNOTE2

Package: Alcohol Chemical Dependency

Routine: ACDNOTE2



Source Information

Source file <ACDNOTE2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ACDDFNP ;Patient pointer to file ^DPT
ACDPCHRS ;Providers to credit hours for prevention portion
ACDFR ;From visit date for reports
ACDSS ;Social stage
ACDPS ;Physical stage
ACDIFCNT ;Number of clients with a difference reason
ACDDFN ;Patient name in external format used for printing and sorting
ACDNW ;Array to hold report predefinition values
ACDDH ;Days hospitalized
ACDDA ;Internal DA passed to utilities for local file sets
ACDDUA ;Days used alcohol
ACDPLAR1 ;Recommended placement (type)
ACDP2 ;Second variable subscript for report generator
ACDP5 ;Fifth variable subscript for report generator
ACDDUD ;Days used drugs
ACDDAP ;Discharge after plan
ACDDIF ;Difference reason
ACDFOLL ;Follow up months
ACDPLAA1 ;Actual placement (type)
ACDAGER ;Client age range
ACDBS ;Behavioral stage
ACDRPTS ;Holds reports to run (i.e., 1,2,3-6,7,9,8)
ACDH ;Report header variables
ACDP1 ;First variable subscript for report generator
ACDTO ;To visit date for reports
ACDOTDIS ;Disposition for 'OT' contact type
ACDCBO ;Component code concatenates with component type
ACDCOMC ;Component code
ACDPROV ;Provider name
ACDPROVA ;Provider array of providers
ACDC ;Column header values
ACDSUS ;Substance stage
ACDPLAR ;Recommended placement (component)
ACDES ;Emotional stage
ACDTRIB ;Client tribe
ACDCOMT ;Component type
ACDP3 ;Third variable subscript for report generator
ACDID ;Inpatient days
ACDPG ;Program free text name
ACDPLAA ;Actual placement (component)
ACDP4 ;Fourth variable subscript for report generator
ACDTDCR ;Transfer discharge close reason
ACDDTA ;Array holding drug types client are on. This way I can report which
ACDPROBS ;Secondary problem
ACDGA ;Goal attainment
ACDAAR ;Alcohol and drug related arrests
ACDPROBP ;Primary problem
ACDCONT ;Contact type
ACDSCNT ;Number of clients with no difference reason
ACDCODR ;Array holding clients and all drugs they are on. This way I
ACDOTHRS ;This is the hours for an 'OT' contact type
ACDCS ;Cultural stage
ACDCIT ;Client in treatment
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