AEFIN003 ; ; 27-FEB-2004
;;1.0;ANNETEST;;FEB 27, 2004
Q:'DIFQR(1991212) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
;;=Bertha has been with the company since the beginning. She has seen many
;;=employees come and go. She is the cornerstone of the office.
;;=555 Junebug Lane^45^4;DIZ(1991214,
;;=SR EXECUTIVE^2909098
;;=Elizabeth is a "take charge" individual who always knows what needs to be
;;=done and gets it done. Our company relies heavily on her during crises.
;;=She is irreplaceable.
;;=7890 Bunnyrabbit Road^6^4;DIZ(1991214,
;;=ASST CHIEF^1098909
;;=Rick is a young man who is new to our company. He shows great potential,
;;=but needs more training to reach his potential.
;;=8789 Cherry Tree Lane^45^4;DIZ(1991214,
;;=Francine possesses outstanding organizational skills. She has been
;;=instrumental in revising many office procedures for efficiency.
;;=234 Grasshopper Lane^3^4;DIZ(1991214,
;;=Quincy brings unique talents to our company. I believe he will go far if
;;=he stays with us.
;;=6789 Lizzardhead Hwy^6^4;DIZ(1991214,
;;=What can we say about Harold? He's a great guy. He brightens up even
;;=the most gloomy day.
;;=2342 Bright Star Ave^6^4;DIZ(1991214,
;;=This lady is a whirlwind when there is a job to be done. She is
;;=extremely talented and efficient.
;;=986 Starlight Way^3^2;DIZ(1991214,
;;=This employee started with our company a few months ago. We have great
;;=expectations for her.
;;=8769 Chickadee Lane^3^2;DIZ(1991214,
;;=As his name implies, Leo is a strong leader and others look to him for
;;=932 Apple Blossom Way^3^3;DIZ(1991214,
;;=This employee has a very interesting way of looking at things. She has
;;=devised unusual solutions to unusual situations. She thinks outside the
;;=6789 Butterfly Road^3^3;DIZ(1991214,
;;=Oscar is above average in every way. He is a great asset to the company
;;=and we are fortunate to have him.
;;=3456 Horseshoe Bend Road^3^3;DIZ(1991214,
;;=Sally is very pleasant and always pitches in when help is needed. I see
;;=a great future for her in this company.
;;=9878 Pinetree Road^3^3;DIZ(1991214,