Prompt: !!,"There was ",ATSEARCH("MERGE COUNT")," match associated with the ",$P(^DIC(ATSEARCH("FILELINK"),0),U)," file."
Line Location: MATCHES+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"INTERMEDIATE RESULTS compared to itself via the",!," "_ATSEARCH(1,"FIELD")_" "_ATSEARCH(1,"FIELDNAME")_" field ["_ATSEARCH(1,"SRCHFILENAM")_"]"
Line Location: DISPLAY+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"For entries in:",!,$S(ATSMTCH=1:ATSEARCH(1,"SRCHNAM")_" and also in "_ATSEARCH(2,"SRCHNAM"),ATSMTCH=2:ATSEARCH(1,"SRCHNAM")_" but not in "_ATSEARCH(2,"SRCHNAM"),1:ATSEARCH(2,"SRCHNAM")_" but not in "_ATSEARCH(1,"SRCHNAM"))
Line Location: DISPLAY+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"Search specifications are as follows for the two templates:",!
Line Location: DISPLAY2+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"Search specifications are as follows for the ",ATSEARCH(2,"SRCHNAM")," template."
Line Location: DISPLAY2+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !
Condition for execution: ATSLOOP=1&(ATSCT=2)&(ATSVAR=1)