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Routine: AUM31C


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AUM31C ;IHS/ASDST/DMJ,SDR,GTH - ICD 9 CODES FOR FY 2003 ; [ 01/29/2002   4:01 PM ]
 ;;03.1;TABLE MAINTENANCE;;SEP 28,2001
 ;;357.8^Other inflammatory and toxic neuropathy^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;359.8^Other myopathies^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;459.1^Postphlebetic syndrome^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;633.0^Abdominal pregnancy^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;633.1^Tubal pregnancy^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;633.2^Ovarian pregnancy^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;633.8^Other ectopic pregnancy^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;633.9^Unspecified ectopic pregnancy^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;770.8^Other respiratory problems after birth^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;771.8^Other infections specific to the perinatal period^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;779.8^Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;780.9^Other general symptoms^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;795.0^Nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of cervix^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;795.3^Nonspecific positive culture findings^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;998.3^Disruption of operation wound^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;V01.8^Other communicable diseases^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;V13.2^Other genital system and obstetric disorders^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;V23.4^Pregnancy with other poor obstetric history^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;V54.8^Other orthopedic aftercare^OCT 01, 2002
 ;;V01.81^EXPOSURE COM DIS ANTHRAX^Contact with or exposure to communicable diseases, anthrax^^15^391
 ;;V01.89^EXPOSURE COM DIS OTHER DIS^Contact with or exposure to communicable diseases, other communicable diseases^^15^391
 ;;V13.21^PERS HISTORY PRE-TERM LABOR^Personal history of pre-term labor^Female^23^467
 ;;V13.29^PERS HX GENITAL SYS/OBST DISOR^Personal history of other genital system and obstetric disorders^^23^467
 ;;V23.41^PREG HISTORY PRE-TERM LABOR^Pregnancy with history of pre-term labor^Female^14^469
 ;;V23.49^PREG OTHER POOR OBSTETRIC^Pregnancy with other poor obstetric history^Female^14^469
 ;;V46.2^OTH DEPEND SUPP OXYGEN^Other dependence on machines, supplemental oxygen^^23^467
 ;;V54.10^AFTERCARE FX ARM UNSPEC^Aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of arm, unspecified^^8^249
 ;;V54.11^AFTERCARE FX UPPER ARM^Aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of upper arm^^8^249
 ;;V54.12^AFTERCARE FX LOWER ARM^Aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of lower arm^^8^249
 ;;V54.13^AFTERCARE FRACTURE HIP^Aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of hip^^8^249
 ;;V54.14^AFTERCARE FX LEG UNSPEC^Aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of leg, unspecified^^8^249
 ;;V54.15^AFTERCARE FX UPPER LEG^Aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of upper leg^^8^249
 ;;V54.16^AFTERCARE FX LOWER LEG^Aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of lower leg^^8^249
 ;;V54.17^AFTERCARE FX VERTEBRAE^Aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of vertebrae^^8^249
 ;;V54.19^AFTERCARE FX OTHER BONE^Aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of other bone^^8^249
 ;;V54.20^AFTERCARE PATH FX ARM UNSPEC^Aftercare for healing pathologic fracture of arm, unspecified^^8^249
 ;;V54.21^AFTERCARE PATH FX UPPER ARM^Aftercare for healing pathologic fracture of upper arm^^8^249
 ;;V54.22^AFTERCARE PATH FX LOWER ARM^Aftercare for healing pathologic fracture of lower arm^^8^249
 ;;V54.23^AFTERCARE PATH FX HIP^Aftercare for healing pathologic fracture of hip^^8^249
 ;;V54.24^AFTERCARE PATH FX LEG UNSPEC^Aftercare for healing pathologic fracture of leg, unspecified^^8^249
 ;;V54.25^AFTERCARE PATH FX UPPER LEG^Aftercare for healing pathologic fracture of upper leg^^8^249
 ;;V54.26^AFTERCARE PATH FX LOWER LEG^Aftercare for healing pathologic fracture of lower leg^^8^249
 ;;V54.27^AFTERCARE PATH FX VERTEBRAE^Aftercare for healing pathologic fracture of vertebrae^^8^249
 ;;V54.29^AFTERCARE PATH FX OTH BONE^Aftercare for healing pathologic fracture of other bone^^8^249
 ;;V54.81^AFTERCARE JOINT REPLACEMENT^Aftercare following joint replacement^^8^249
 ;;V54.89^OTHER ORTHOPEDIC AFTERCARE^Other orthopedic aftercare^^8^249
 ;;V58.42^AFTERCARE SURGERY NEOPLASM^Aftercare following surgery for neoplasm^^23^465,466
 ;;V58.43^AFTERCARE SURG INJ/TRAUMA^Aftercare following surgery for injury and trauma^^23^465,466
 ;;V58.71^AFTERCARE SURG SENSE ORGAN^Aftercare following surgery of the sense organs, NEC^^23^465,466
 ;;V58.72^AFTERCARE SURG NERVOUS SYS^Aftercare following surgery of the nervous system, NEC^^23^465,466
 ;;V58.73^AFTERCARE SURG CIRCUL SYS^Aftercare following surgery of the circulatory system, NEC^^23^465,466
 ;;V58.74^AFTERCARE SURG RESP SYS^Aftercare following surgery of the respiratory system, NEC^^23^465,466
 ;;V58.75^AFTERCARE SURG ORAL SYS^Aftercare following surgery of teeth, oral cavity and digestive system, NEC^^23^465,466
 ;;V58.76^AFTERCARE SURG GEN/URI SYS^Aftercare following surgery of the genitourinary system, NEC^^23^465,466
 ;;V58.77^AFTERCARE SURG SKIN/TISSUE^Aftercare following surgery of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, NEC^^23^465,466
 ;;V58.78^AFTERCARE SURG MUSCULOSKEL^Aftercare following surgery of the musculoskeletal system, NEC^^23^465,466
 ;;V71.82^OBSERV/EVAL EXPOSURE ANTHRAX^Observation and evaluation for suspected exposure to anthrax^^23^467
 ;;V71.83^EVAL EXPOSURE OTH BIO AGENT^Observation and evaluation for suspected exposure to other biological agent^^23^467
 ;;V83.81^CYSTIC FIBROSIS GENE CARRIER^Cystic fibrosis gene carrier^^23^467
 ;;V83.89^OTH GENETIC CARRIER STATUS^Other genetic carrier status^^23^467
 ;;402.00^HTN HRT DIS MALIG W/O HRT FAIL^Hypertensive heart disease, malignant, without heart failure^^5^134
 ;;402.01^HTN HRT DIS MALIG W HRT FAIL^Hypertensive heart disease, malignant, with heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;402.10^HTN HRT DIS BENIGN W/O HF^Hypertensive heart disease, benign, without heart failure^^5^134
 ;;402.11^HTN HRT DIS BENIGN WITH HF^Hypertensive heart disease, benign, with heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;402.90^HTN HRT DIS UNSPEC W/O HF^Hypertensive heart disease, unspecified, without heart failure^^5^134
 ;;402.91^HTN HRT DIS UNSPEC WITH HF^Hypertensive heart disease, unspecified, with heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;404.00^HTN HRT/REN DIS MALIG W/O HF^Hypertensive heart and renal disease, malignant, without mention of heart failure or renal failure^^5^134
 ;;404.01^HTN HRT/REN MALIG W HF^Hypertensive heart and renal disease, malignant, with heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;404.03^HTN HRT/REN MALIG W HF/RF^Hypertensive heart and renal disease, malignant, with mention of heart and renal failure^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;404.10^HTN HRT/REN BENIGN W/O HF/RF^Hypertensive heart and renal disease, benign, without mention of heart failure or renal failure^^5^134
 ;;404.11^HTN HRT/REN BENIGN W HF^Hypertensive heart and renal disease, benign, with heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;404.13^HTN HRT/REN BENIGN W HF/RF^Hypertensive heart and renal disease, benign, with heart failure and renal failure^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;404.90^HTN HRT/REN UNSPEC W/O HF/RF^Hypertensive heart and renal disease, unspecified, without mention of  heart failure or renal failure^^5^134
 ;;404.91^HTN HRT/REN DIS UNSPEC W HF^Hypertensive heart and renal disease, unspecified, with heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;404.93^HTN HRT/REN UNSPEC W HF/RF^Hypertensive heart and renal disease, unspecified, with heart failure and renal failure^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;414.10^ANEURYSM OF HEART^Aneurysm of heart^^5^121,144,145
 ;;414.11^ANEURYSM CORONARY VESSELS^Aneurysm of coronary vessels^^5^121,144,145
 ;;414.19^OTHER ANEURYSM OF HEART^Other aneurysm of heart^^5^121,144,145
 ;;428.0^CONGESTIVE HRT FAILURE UNSPEC^Congestive heart failure, unspecified^^5^115,121,124,127
 ;;454.9^ASYMPTOMATIC VARICOSE VEINS^Asymptomatic varicose veins^^5^130,131
 ;;627.2^SYMPTOMATIC MENOPAU/CLIMACT^Symptomatic menopausal or female climacteric states^Female^13^358,359,369
 ;;627.4^SYMPTO W ARTIFICIAL MENOPAUS^Symptomatic states associated with artificial menopause^Female^13^358,359,369
 ;;V49.81^ASYMPTOM POSTMENOPAUSAL AGE^Asymptomatic postmenopausal status (age-related) (natural)^Female^23^467
 S U="^"
 W !," CODE",?10,"DIAGNOSIS",!?10,"DESCRIPTION",!," -----",?10,"-----------"
 NEW X,Y,P2,P3
 F X=1:1 S Y=$P($T(ICD9NEW+X),";",3),P2=$P(Y,U,2),P3=$P(Y,U,3) Q:Y="END"  W !," ",$P(Y,U,1),?10,$S($L(P3):P3,1:P2),!?10,P2