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  1. AUMPRESU ;IHS/VEN/TOAD - AUM v 10.1 ;
  1. ;;10.1;TABLE MAINTENANCE;**1**;OCT 16, 2009
  1. ;
  1. ; This is the pre-init for AUM*9.1*4. It strips all control chars
  1. ; out of the ^AUTTSU global prior to the install of the patch.
  1. ;
  1. ; 2008 04 18-20 Rick Marshall created this routine from scratch to
  1. ; clear out control characters found in the ^AICD globals in both
  1. ; values and subscripts.
  1. ;
  1. QUIT ; This routine should not be called at the top or anywhere
  1. ; else. It is only to be called at CLEANALL by KIDS as the pre-init
  1. ; for AUM patches.
  1. ;
  1. CHECK ; troubleshooting entry point
  1. ;
  1. N AUMNAME S AUMNAME="^AUTTSU" ; the name value of each node of ^AUTTSU
  1. N AUMCNTC S AUMCNTC=0 ; how many nodes had control characters
  1. N AUMCNTN S AUMCNTN=0 ; how many node names had control characters
  1. ;
  1. N AUMCNT ; count nodes
  1. . ;
  1. . I '(AUMCNT#1000) W "." ; indicate progress
  1. . ;
  1. . I AUMNAME?.E1C.E D ; if the node name contains a control char
  1. . . S AUMCNTC=AUMCNTC+1,AUMCNTN=AUMCNTN+1 ; add to both counts
  1. . . W "@",AUMCNT,"@",$C(7) ; note presence of control characters
  1. . . W !,AUMNAME ; write node name
  1. . ;
  1. . N AUMVALU S AUMVALU=$G(@AUMNAME) ; fetch value of node
  1. . ;
  1. . I AUMVALU?.E1C.E D ; if the node value contains a control char
  1. . . S AUMCNTC=AUMCNTC+1 ; add to our count of instances
  1. . . W "=",AUMCNT,"=",$C(7) ; note presence of control characters
  1. . . W !,AUMVALU ; write node name
  1. ;
  1. W !!,"Number of nodes in global: ",AUMCNT
  1. W !!,"Number of nodes with control characters: ",AUMCNTC
  1. W !!,"Number of node names with control characters: ",AUMCNTN
  1. QUIT ; end of CHECK
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. CLEANALL ; AUM*10.1 PRE-INIT: Remove Control Characters from ^AUTTSU
  1. ;
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL($$T("MSG+9")) ; AUM*10.1 PRE-INIT
  1. D MES^XPDUTL($$T("MSG+8")) ; Removing control character from your ...
  1. ;
  1. K ^TMP("AUM",$J) ; clear scratch space
  1. ;
  1. N AUMNAME S AUMNAME="^AUTTSU" ; the name value of each node of ^AUTTSU
  1. N AUMCNTC S AUMCNTC=0 ; how many nodes had control characters
  1. N AUMCNTN S AUMCNTN=0 ; how many node names had control characters
  1. ;
  1. N AUMCNT ; count nodes, walk ^AUTTSU
  1. . ;
  1. . I '(AUMCNT#1000) W "." ; indicate progress
  1. . ;
  1. . N AUMVALU S AUMVALU=$G(@AUMNAME) ; fetch value of node
  1. . N AUMBADN S AUMBADN=AUMNAME?.E1C.E ; is it a bad name
  1. . N AUMBADV S AUMBADV=AUMVALU?.E1C.E ; is it a bad value
  1. . Q:'AUMBADN&'AUMBADV ; skip good nodes
  1. . ;
  1. . ; for output, show where control characters were
  1. . ;
  1. . N AUMCLN S AUMCLN=AUMNAME ; save cleaned up name in AUMCLN
  1. . I AUMBADN D ; if the node name contains a control character
  1. . . S AUMCNTC=AUMCNTC+1,AUMCNTN=AUMCNTN+1 ; add to both counts
  1. . . W AUMCNT,$C(7),": bad name" ; note presence of control chars
  1. . . D CLEAN(.AUMCLN,.AUMMAPN,1) ; strip out the control characters
  1. . ;
  1. . I AUMBADV D ; if the node value contains a control character
  1. . . S AUMCNTC=AUMCNTC+1 ; add to our count of instances
  1. . . W AUMCNT,$C(7),": bad value" ; note presence of control chars
  1. . . D CLEAN(.AUMVALU,.AUMMAPV,0) ; strip out the control characters
  1. . ;
  1. . D MES^XPDUTL(AUMMAPN_"="_AUMMAPV_"...") ; show the problem (safely)
  1. . ;
  1. . I AUMBADV,'AUMBADN S @AUMNAME=AUMVALU Q ; good name but bad value
  1. . ;
  1. . ; what we wish we could do here is just kill the node and replace it
  1. . ; but we would need the Millennium standard's KVALUE, which can kill
  1. . ; just a node. We are stuck with KILL, which kills the entire tree
  1. . ; and so would interfere with nodes we have not yet scanned and saved
  1. . ; off. So, we have to separate the killing from the scanning & saving.
  1. . ; For now we copy our cleaned up names and values out to ^TMP.
  1. . N AUMEMP S AUMEMP=AUMCLN ; change name from ^AUTTSU(*)
  1. . ;S $E(AUMEMP,1,9)="^TMP(""AUM"","_$J_"," ; to ^TMP("AUM",$J,*)
  1. . S $E(AUMEMP,1,8)="^TMP(""AUM"","_$J_"," ; to ^TMP("AUM",$J,*)
  1. . ;IHS/OIT/CLS 09/17/2008 change to equal length of global root ^AUTTSU(
  1. . ; W AUMCLN," ==> ",AUMEMP ; debugging code
  1. . S @AUMEMP=AUMVALU ; save off the cleaned up node to ^TMP
  1. . S @AUMEMP@(U)=AUMNAME ; save off bad name with ctl chars
  1. ;
  1. I AUMCNTN D BMES^XPDUTL($$T("MSG+7")) ; Replacing the bad node ...
  1. ;
  1. S AUMNAME=$NA(^TMP("AUM",$J)) ; now we will traverse our saved nodes
  1. N AUMLENG S AUMLENG=$L(AUMNAME) ; get the length of the prefix
  1. N AUMPRE S AUMPRE=$E(AUMNAME,1,AUMLENG-1) ; & grab that prefix
  1. ; walk ^TMP("AUM",$J), exit when name no longer starts with prefix
  1. . K @(@AUMNAME@(U)) ; delete node in ^AUTTSU whose bad name we saved off
  1. . N AUMVALU S AUMVALU=@AUMNAME ; get the saved, clean value
  1. . S @AUTTSU=AUMVALU ; copy cleaned up node back into ^AUTTSU
  1. . N AUMSUB S AUMSUB=$QS(AUMNAME,3) ; get the main subscript
  1. . K @AUMNAME@(U) ; delete the saved node name to avoid it
  1. . D MES^XPDUTL(AUTTSU_"="_AUMVALU) ; report nodes as we copy them back
  1. K ^TMP("AUM",$J) ; clean up rest of temp space
  1. ;
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL(AUMCNT-1_$$T("MSG+1")) ; # nodes in ^AUTTSU were scanned.
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(AUMCNTC_$$T("MSG+2")) ; # instances of control charact...
  1. ; # of them from node names, # from values.
  1. ; Your ^AUTTSU global is [now] free of control characters.
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL($$T("MSG+5")_$S(AUMCNTC:"now ",1:"")_$$T("MSG+6"))
  1. ;
  1. QUIT ; end of CLEANALL
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. T(TAG) QUIT $P($T(@TAG),";;",2)
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. MSG ; messages to display
  1. ;; nodes in ^AUTTSU were scanned.
  1. ;; instances of control characters were found and removed,
  1. ;; of them from node names,
  1. ;; from values.
  1. ;;Your ^AUTTSU global is
  1. ;;free of control characters.
  1. ;;Replacing the bad node names found in ^AUTTSU
  1. ;;Removing control characters from your ^AUTTSU global...
  1. ;;AUM*10.1 PRE-INIT
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. CLEAN(AUMSTR,AUMMAP,AUMNAME) ; private, strip ctl chars out of a string
  1. ;
  1. ; .AUMSTR = input & output: string to clear of control characters
  1. ; .AUMMAP = output: display version of AUMSTR
  1. ; AUMNAME = 1 if this is a name, else 0, affects quotation marks
  1. ;
  1. ; code useful another time, but not here
  1. ; N AUMCHAR
  1. ; S AUMCHAR=$C(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21)
  1. ; S AUMCHAR=AUMCHAR_$C(22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,127)
  1. ; S AUMSTR=$TR(AUMSTR,AUMCHAR) ; strip out standard ASCII ctl chars
  1. ;
  1. ; traverse loop backward so our insertions do not throw off our position
  1. ; within AUMMAP. Replacing one control character with _$C(#)_ expands
  1. ; the value of AUMMAP, shifting all the character positions & throwing
  1. ; off its positional mapping to AUMSTR; we work from the end of the
  1. ; string forward so that the loss of correspondence happens in the part
  1. ; of AUMMAP we have already looked at.
  1. ;
  1. S AUMNAME=+$G(AUMNAME) ; default to not a name
  1. S AUMMAP=AUMSTR ; create copy to highlight the control characters
  1. N AUMPOS ; each position
  1. F AUMPOS=$L(AUMSTR):-1:1 D:$E(AUMSTR,AUMPOS)?1C ; for each ctl char
  1. . N AUMASCI S AUMASCI=$A(AUMCHAR) ; get its ASCII code
  1. . ; replace control chars that have standard ASCII equivalents
  1. . N AUMREPL
  1. . S AUMREPL=$TR(AUMCHAR,$C(28,145,146,147,148,150,151),"C''""""--")
  1. . I AUMNAME,AUMASCI=147!(AUMASCI=148) S AUMREPL="""""" ; dbl for nm
  1. . ; I AUMASCI=153 S AUMREPL="(TM)" ; cutting legal text
  1. . I AUMREPL?1C S AUMREPL="" ; if no replacement, delete it
  1. . S $E(AUMSTR,AUMPOS)=AUMREPL ; replace the ctl char
  1. . S $E(AUMMAP,AUMPOS)="_$C("_AUMASCI_")_" ; highlight it in AUMMAP
  1. ;
  1. QUIT ; end of CLEAN
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. ; end of routine AUMPRESU