Prompt: !,"Denominator is all patients with a DM diagnosis ever."
Line Location: I5A+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Continue the trend of increasing the proportion of I/T/U clients with diagnosed",!,"diabetes assessed for nephropathy.",!,"% with positive urine value",!
Prompt: !,"Denominator is all patients with a DM diagnosis ever, with at least",!,"2 visits in the year prior to the end of the time period and the first",!,"ever recorded diagnosis of Diabetes > 1year prior to the end of the time period."
Line Location: I5B+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Continue the trend of increasing the proportion of I/T/U clients with diagnosed",!,"diabetes assessed for nephropathy.",!,"% with positive urine value",!
Prompt: !,"Denominator is all patients with a DM diagnosis ever, who are 19 or older",!,"who had at least 2 diabetes related encounters ever, at least one",!,"encounter in a primary clinic with a primary provider for diabetes,"
Line Location: I5C+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"and an absence of a creatinine value of 5.0 or greater."
Line Location: I5C+5
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Continue the trend of increasing the proportion of I/T/U clients with diagnosed",!,"diabetes assessed for nephropathy.",!,"% with positive urine value",!
Line Location: I5C+6
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !?44,"% CHANGE",?62,"% CHANGE",!?44,"FROM BASE YR",?62,"FROM PREV YR"