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 ;;5.2;BLR;**1005**;DEC 14, 1998
 ;The Lab package files are not FileMan compatible, nor are the
 ;routines that manipulate data stored in those files.  Data is
 ;inserted into files using direct sets and xrefs are generated
 ;in the same manner.  Some fields have xrefs defined but they are
 ;never fired because the data is not added using ^DIE.  I do not
 ;know for sure but it is possible that some fields are valued using
 ;FileMan calls, but others certainly are not.  Where possible 
 ;the BLRMERG* routines modify data using ^DIE.  Because this will
 ;trigger xrefs defined in the dictionary there may be xrefs set
 ;that were not set by the hard code that originally valued the
 ;fields.  Furthermore, there is no assurance that the xrefs defined
 ;in the dictionary are exactly the same as the xrefs generated by
 ;hard code.  Because of these inconsistencies, after the field
 ;values are changed using ^DIE I modify various xrefs using hard
 ;sets and kills.
 ;After the two lab patients are merged a bulletin, named PCC
 ;LAB PATIENT MERGEIs sent to the mail group named PCC LAB PATIENT
 ;VA Patient 2, ^DPT(
 ;The "LR" node for a patient entry points to that patient's lab
 ;data in the Lab Data file 63, 
 ;^LR(, (e.g. ^DPT(222,"LR")=2).
 ;Lab Data file 63, ^LR(
 ;Field .02, D0,0 is the parent file.  The VA Patient file 2 for
 ;this purpose.
 ;Field .03, D0,0 is the ien of the patient.
 ;There is one entry in this file for each Lab patient.  Within one
 ;patient's entry lab tests are stored by accession area (e.g. BB,
 ;CH, CY, SP).  Within these subscripts data is stored by inverse
 ;date.  The 1st piece of the 0th node is the date/time the specimen
 ;was taken.  The 6th piece of the 0th node provides access to the
 ;associated entry in the Accession file 68, ^LRO(68,.  The format
 ;of the 6th piece varies depending on the accession area.  For CY,
 ;SP, EM, and AU the 6th piece is a number which is the ien in the 
 ;Accession Number multiple 68.02 in the Accession file 68.  For CH,
 ;BB, and MI the 6th piece is freetext in the form `aa xxxx n' where
 ;aa=the type (e.g. HE for Hematology), and n=the ien in the 68.02
 ;multiple.  The xxxx represents a transformation of the date the 
 ;specimen was taken.  The transformation is based on the type and
 ;may be daily, monthly, quarterly, or annually.
 ;^LR(8,"CY" 7019487,0)="2980512^607^^^CLAYTON CURTIS MD^1^17^IM etc"
 ;^LR(9,"BB",7019492.869244,0)="2980506.130756^^2980506.1325^^70^BB 0506 1^ 
 ;Accession file 68, ^LRO(68,
 ;Data is stored in this file by accession area, and within accession
 ;area by date, and within that by entry within that date.  The 1st
 ;piece of the 0th node of each entry is the LRDFN which is a pointer
 ;to the patient's entry in the Lab Data file 63, ^LR(.
 ;Lab Order Entry file 69, ^LRO(69,
 ;Data is stored in this file by date ordered, and within date ordered
 ;by sequence number.  The 1st piece of the 0th node is the LRDFN
 ;which is a pointer to the patient's entry in the Lab Data file 63,
 ;All entries in the Lab Order Entry file 69 that point to the Lab
 ;Data file 63 entry for the `from' patient are repointed to the
 ;`to' patient.  All entries in the Accession file 68 that point
 ;to the Lab Data file 63 entry for the `from' patient are repointed
 ;to the `to' patient. The `from' patient's entry in the Lab Data
 ;file 63 is copied into the `to' patient's entry in the Lab Data
 ;file 63 and the `from' patient's entry is deleted.
 ;When two patients are merged in the VA PATIENT file, # 2, ^DPT(
 ;the "LR" node for each patient is checked to see if they have an
 ;entry in the lab system.  The "LR" node contains a pointer to that
 ;patient's entry in the LAB DATA file, # 63, ^LR(.  I will 
 ;subsequently refer to this pointer as LRDFN.  All lab data for
 ;that patient is stored in ^LR(LRDFN,.  Data is stored in file 63
 ;by accession area within LRDFN, and generally by inverse date
 ;within accession area.  E.g., ^LR(LRDFN,"CH",7019479.895049, etc.
 ;The exception to that is autopsy which is stored by subscripts
 ;".1", "AU", "AV", "AW", and "AWI".
 ;If the `to' patient has data in file 63 but the `from' patient
 ;does not, then no action is necessary.
 ;If the `from' patient has data in file 63 but the `to' patient
 ;does not, then all that is needed is to set the "LR" node for the
 ;`to' patient to the LRDFN of the `from' patient, change the 
 ;patient pointer in the ^LR(LRDFN entry to point to the `to'
 ;patient instead of the `from' patient, and kill the "LR" node
 ;on the `from' patient.
 ;When both the `from' and `to' patients have data in file 63 then
 ;the `from' patient's data must be merged with the `to' patient's
 ;data.  This will result in the `from' patient's ^LR entry being
 ;deleted.  There are other lab files that point to this ^LR entry,
 ;therefore, the fields in those files must be repointed prior to
 ;the file 63 merge.
 ;This is accomplished in two different ways.  The first approach
 ;is to follow a link field in file 63 to an entry in the ACCESSION
 ;file, # 68, ^LRO(68,.  The link field is stored in the 6th piece
 ;of the 0th node of each accession area in file 63, e.g. 
 ;^LR(LRDFN,"CH",inverse date,0) or ^LR(LRDFN, "AU") for autposy.
 ;The format of the link field varies depending on the accession
 ;area.  For CY, SP, EM, and AU the link field is a number which
 ;is the ien in the Accession Number multiple 68.02 in the Accession
 ;file 68.  For CH, BB, and MI the link field is freetext in the form 
 ;`aa xxxx n' where aa=the type (e.g. HE for Hematology), and n=the
 ;ien in the 68.02 multiple.  The xxxx is a transformation of the
 ;date and not used by the merge software.
 ;Data is stored in the ACCESSION file, # 68, by date within
 ;accession area.  That means that all BLOOD BANK entries are stored
 ;under the ien for BLOOD BANK, and within that by accession date,
 ;and within that by accession number for that area/date, e.g. 
 ;^LRO(68,4,1,2980519,1,2,0) which would be the 2nd accession number
 ;for 2980519 for accession area ien 4, which happens to be BLOOD
 ;BANK.  The .01 field of the 68.02 multiple is a pointer to file 63,
 ;^LR(LRDFN which corresponds to a particular patient.  
 ;This field is changed to point to the `to' patient's ^LR( entry
 ;instead of the `from' patient's ^LR( entry.
 ;In the ACCESSIONS file, # 68 BB, CH, etc. entries are stored by
 ;a transformation of the 
 ;date, based on whether the accession numbers roll over daily,
 ;monthly, quarterly, etc., for the D1 subscript but CY, SP, etc.
 ;are stored by cyy0000 instead.  The "C" xref in the Lab Order file
 ;69 is by the normal date for CY, SP etc.
 ;For some accession areas there is a link in file 68 to the LAB
 ;ORDER ENTRY file, # 69, ^LRO(69,.  When it exists this link pointer
 ;is stored as the .1 node in file 63.  E.g.,
 ;Data is stored in the LAB ORDER ENTRY file, # 69, by date ordered,
 ;and within that by sequence #.  These entries are located via the
 ;"C" xref  which is in the following form:
 ;^LRO(69,"C",order #,date ordered,sequence #)="".  The .01 field
 ;of the 69.01 multiple is a pointer to file 63, ^LR(LRDFN which
 ;corresponds to a particular patient.  This field is changed to
 ;point to the `to' patient's ^LR( entry instead of the `from'
 ;patient's ^LR( entry.
 ;Prior to repointing the 69.01 .01 field the kill side of the
 ;xrefs on 69.01 21 and 69.03 .01 are executed and then the set
 ;side of the xrefs are executed after the repointing of 69.01 .01.
 ;Also after the 69.01 .01 field is repointed the "AN" xrefs are
 ;modified.  One "AN" xref is at the file level, ^LRO(69,"AN", and
 ;the other is at a multiple level, ^LRO(69,date,1,"AN".
 ;Because following the link fields does not find all relevant
 ;entries the second approach is to find associated entries in file
 ;69 using the "D" xref which is in the form 
 ;^LRO(69,"D",'from' patient's LRDFN,date,specimen #)="".  The same
 ;action as discussed above for file 69 is executed for entries found
 ;via the "D" xref.
 ;Additionally, the "AC" xref and the "MI" xref are reset to use the
 ;`to' patient's LRDFN.  They are in the form
 ;^LRO(68,"AC",'from' patient's LRDFN,date,accession #)="" and 
 ;the same form for "MI".  The xrefs are fixed using hard sets.
 ;After fields in files 68 and 69 are repointed the `from' patient's
 ;^LR entry is merged into the `to' patient's ^LR entry.  ^LR
 ;entries are stored by inverse date within accession area so no
 ;`from' patient entry can have the same inverse date as any `to'
 ;patient entry within the same accession area.  To resolve this
 ;problem each `from' patient entry is checked to see if the `to'
 ;patient has the same entry.  If the `to' patient does have the
 ;same entry then the date/time of the `from' patient's entry is
 ;incremented by one second and checked again.  This process
 ;continues until an unused inverse date slot is found.  Then the 
 ;date/time is changed in files 68 and 69 and in the ^LR entry, the
 ;changed ^LR entry is copied to the new inverse date slot in the
 ;`from' patients ^LR entry, and the old inverse date entry is
 ;deleted.  After all `from' and `to' patient inverse date entries
 ;are unique the `from' patient's ^LR entry is copied to the `to'
 ;patient's ^LR entry and then the `from' patient's ^LR entry is
 ;deleted.  After the copy the `to' patient's ^LR entry in re-indexed.