Prompt: !!?5,"WARNING: By changing the date/time of this 'WHILE ASIH' discharge,",!?15,"you are permanently discharging this patient from the NHCU/DOM"
Line Location: ASK+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !?15,"prior to the 30 days of ASIH allotted. The patient can not be",!?15,"returned to the NHCU/DOM except by readmission.",!!?15,"Are you sure you want to continue"
Line Location: ASK+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!?5,"Enter 'Y'es to discharge the patient from the NHCU/DOM or 'N'o to",!?15,"continue patient's ASIH stay."
Line Location: ASK+2
Function Call: WRITE
Line Location: ASK+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,*7," There is a",$S(X=1:"n admission",X=2:" transfer",X=3:" discharge",X=4:" check-in lodger",X=5:" check-out lodger",X=6:" specialty transfer",1:"")," movement on file for this patient on "
Line Location: WR+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: Y,"."
Line Location: WR+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"You ASIH movement types are not properly defined...Contact your site manager!","There is no movement type define for ",$P(^DG(405.2,DGMAS,0),"^",1)