; Loop thru non-OEF/OIF conflicts
; DGCONF,DGPOSS = arrays from DGRP6CL containing conflict data
; Returns DIR array for screen display of conflicts
;Only from,to dates can be chged on locally entered OEF/OIF conflict data
;Help text for reader prompt for conflict to add/edit/delete
; Edit OEF/OIF conflict from/to dates only or delete entry
; Check dates for conflict in DGCONF(DGCONF)=
; fr date^to date are valid against military service episodes (DGMSE)
; for the patient and if no dates, if the MSE's would support that
; conflict being entered.
; Assume DFN exists
; FUNCTION returns
; DGCONF(DGCONF,1)=1 if MSE inconsistency found,0 if none
; Also returns DGPOSS(DGCONF) if patient has no dates for the
; conflict, but the MSE's indicate entry of the conflict would
; not be inconsistent.
; Add a new OEF/OIF conflict entry
; DFN = patient ien
; DGY = 1 for OIF, 2 for OEF, 3 for UNKNOWN OEF/OIF
; DGCONF = the conflict record being added (OEF/OIF/ UNKNOWN OEF/OIF)
; SRC = 1 if HEC data (locked) or 0 if site entered
; If SRC is passed by reference, it must contain the values needed
; to 'stuff' a new record into the file at the fld # subscript level
; SRC(.02)=from dt SRC(.03)=to dt SRC(.04)=1 if HEC source of data
; SRC("OK") is returned as 1 if filing was successful or as the
; reason why the data was not filed if unsuccessful
; Delete all existing OEF/OIF episodes for a patient
; DFN = patient ien