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;-- This routine will perform the conversion to file #200 for the
; Benificiary Travel Claim File (#392)
;-- This tag will re-process the PTF entry incase the conversion
; needs to be re-started.
; INPUT : PREC - 0 Node of entry in MAS Parameter File for file 45.7
; PSAV - IFN of the entry in file 43
;-- process PTF 'PRO' multiple
; INPUT :RENUM - PTF Record Number to process
; SEQ - Sequence Number in 'PRO' multiple
; PROV - Current Provider Pointer
;-- process ^DGBT field 41
; INPUT : RECNUM - Record Number to process
; PROV - Current Provider Pointer
;-- exit
;-- This routine will perform the conversion to file #200 for the
; Facility Treating Specialty (#45.7)
;-- This tag will re-process the entry incase the conversion
; needs to be re-started.
; INPUT : PREC - 0 Node of entry in MAS Parameter File for file 392