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Routine: DINIT00G


Go to the documentation of this file.
 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**144**;Mar 30, 1999;Build 5
 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
 ;;=Heading (S/C)
 ;;=8004.1^3^^13^HELP FOR ONE SEARCH CRITERION ('A')
 ;;=To search on the condition you have just typed, hit 'Enter'.
 ;;=To search for the NEGATIVE of the condition,
 ;;=type "'A".  The "'" character means "negation".
 ;;=To 'AND' Condition 'A' with Condition 'B', type 'A&B'.
 ;;=To 'OR' Condition 'A' with Condition 'B', type 'A',
 ;;=and then type 'B' at the next "OR:" prompt.
 ;;=This is the normal help message given if user enters a question mark when
 ;;=being prompted for the HEADER during a FileMan print.
 ;;=Accept default heading or enter a custom heading.
 ;;=For no heading at all, type @.
 ;;=To use a Print Template for the heading, type [TEMPLATE NAME].
 ;;=Print dialog coming from routine ^DIP31.
 ;;=** Suppress the |1|.
 ;;=1^Text from either entry #8006 or #8007, depending on whether it's called from the SEARCH or PRINT Options.
 ;;=Dialog coming from routine ^DIP31
 ;;=** print |1| Criteria in heading.
 ;;=1^The word SORT or SEARCH, depending on which option we're coming from.
 ;;=The word HEADING to be used in the prompt for the heading from the FileMan
 ;;=PRINT option.
 ;;=The DD for the file of files is not completely FileMan compatible.  This
 ;;=is the field name prompt for the POST-SELECTION ACTION field on the file
 ;;=of files.  Prompt appears when file attributes.
 ;;=The DD for the file of files is not completely FileMan compatible.  This
 ;;=is the field name prompt for the LOOK-UP PROGRAM field on the file
 ;;=of files.  Prompt appears when file attributes are edited.
 ;;=Standard prompt to verify to the user that they just deleted something
 ;;=with the "@".
 ;;=Called after performing routine existence test to tell user that routine
 ;;=is already in their directory.
 ;;=Note that |1| is already in the routine directory.
 ;;=1^Name of the routine.
 ;;=Message warning user that a routine does not exist in their routine
 ;;=This routine does not exist in the routine directory.
 ;;=Prompt showing the user a routine name previously used for compiled
 ;;=routines (input templates, print templates, cross-references).
 ;;=Previously compiled under routine name |1|.
 ;;=1^Routine name from "DIKOLD" or "ROUOLD" nodes in templates or DD for cross-references.
 ;;=The DD for the file of files is not completely FileMan compatible.  This
 ;;=is the field name prompt for the CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE field on the file
 ;;=of files.  Prompt appears when file attributes are edited.