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Routine: DINIT2B3


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DINIT2B3 ;SFISC/MKO-SQLI FILES ;10:51 AM  30 Mar 1999
 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
 ;;=The set from which all objects of that domain must be drawn.
 ;;=In SQLI, all table elements (SQLI_TABLE_ELEMENT) have a domain which
 ;;=restricts them to their domain set. For each data type there is a domain
 ;;=of the same name, representing the same set. Other domains have different
 ;;=set membership restrictions. 
 ;;=Each domain has a data type, which determines the rules for comparing
 ;;=values from different domains, and the operators which may be used on them.
 ;;=The PRIMARY_KEY data type and domain is unique to SQLI. It is used to
 ;;=relate primary keys to foreign keys unambiguously (see SQLI_TABLE_ELEMENT)
 ;;=DM_NAME^RF^^0;1^K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3)!'($TR(X,"_")?1U.UN) X
 ;;=S ^DMSQ("DM","B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
 ;;=K ^DMSQ("DM","B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
 ;;=Answer must be an SQL identifier 3-30 characters in length.
 ;;=W ?5,"Must be a valid SQL identifier"
 ;;=Name of FileMan domain
 ;;=Includes names of standard SQL data types. Must not be a keyword.
 ;;=Data Type
 ;;=S ^DMSQ("DM","E",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
 ;;=K ^DMSQ("DM","E",$E(X,1,30),DA)
 ;;=Domain by data type. 
 ;;=IEN of a standard data type in SQLI_DATA_TYPE. Required.
 ;;=DM_COMMENT^F^^0;3^K:$L(X)>60!($L(X)<3) X
 ;;=Answer must be 3-60 characters in length.
 ;;=A short comment which describes the data type set
 ;;=S ^DMSQ("DM","C",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
 ;;=K ^DMSQ("DM","C",$E(X,1,30),DA)
 ;;=Domain by table id
 ;;=Enter only if domain is a table-id
 ;;=IEN of table in SQLI_TABLE if domain is of type PRIMARY_KEY
 ;;=Only primary and foreign keys have such domains.
 ;;=DM_WIDTH^NJ3,0^^0;5^K:+X'=X!(X>255)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
 ;;=Type a Number between 1 and 255, 0 Decimal Digits
 ;;=Default display width. Overrides data type display width.
 ;;=DM_SCALE^NJ1,0^^0;6^K:+X'=X!(X>9)!(X<0)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
 ;;=Type a Number between 0 and 9, 0 Decimal Digits
 ;;=Default number of decimal places displayed for numbers.
 ;;=Output Format
 ;;=Default output format for elements of this domain.
 ;;=Used to provide text value of pointer chains, etc.
 ;;=DM_INT_EXPR^K^^1;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
 ;;=Base to Internal Expression
 ;;=This is a Standard M expression to format X for output
 ;;=An M expression which returns the internal value of a base value.
 ;;=Expression uses placeholder {B} to represent the base value
 ;;=DM_INT_EXEC^K^^2;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
 ;;=Base to Internal Execute
 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code to format X for input
 ;;=M code line which sets internal value, {I}, to some function of base
 ;;=value, {B}.
 ;;=DM_BASE_EXPR^K^^3;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
 ;;=Internal to Base Expression
 ;;=This is a Standard M expression to format X in internal form.
 ;;=An M expression which returns the internal value of base value, {B}.
 ;;=DM_BASE_EXEC^K^^4;E1,245^K:$L(X)>245 X D:$D(X) ^DIM
 ;;=This is Standard MUMPS code.