- FHINI0N9 ; ; 11-OCT-1995
- ;;5.0;Dietetics;;Oct 11, 1995
- F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
- Q Q
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",393,"DR",1,117,1)
- ;;=33;34;35;36;37;38;39;40;41;42;43;44;45;46;47;50;51;
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,0)
- ;;=FHSITEC1^2910820.1214^^119.9^^^2950705^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"%D",0)
- ;;=^^2^2^2911210^^^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"%D",1,0)
- ;;=This template is used to enter the clinical site parameters for the
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"%D",2,0)
- ;;=Dietetic System.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DIAB",1,1,119.9001,0)
- ;;=ALL
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DIAB",1,1,119.985,0)
- ;;=ALL
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9)
- ;;=W !!,"--- Clinical Site Parameters";W !!,"The assessment default units are used for determining";W !,"the units for inputs when units are not specified";W !,"and for determining which units are used for output";
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,1)
- ;;=W !,"on the assessment and screening forms. Either English";W !,"or metric may be selected.";W !;70;W !!,"The Screening form makes provision for a";W !,"site-selectable line being added to the form as the";
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,2)
- ;;=W !,"last line under the S: (or subjective) section.";W !,"If an entry is made, the user should consider the";W !,"indenting and column usage of the existing lines in";W !,"determining the line to be entered. Just press RETURN";
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,3)
- ;;=W !,"to bypass having this extra line.";W !;75;W !!,"A Nutrition Profile may optionally be printed following each";W !,"Screening form. Answer YES if you wish the profile printed,";
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,4)
- ;;=W !,"NO if you do not. Answer A (for Ask user) if you wish the user to be";W !,"prompted as to whether a profile will be printed.";W !;74;W !!,"In selecting laboratory results to be displayed, the";
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,5)
- ;;=W !,"program allows for the selection of the number of days";W !,"in the past for which data will be searched. Thus,";W !,"selecting 30 as a value will result in the most recent";
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,6)
- ;;=W !,"lab test results obtained in the last 30 days being displayed.";W !;71;W !!,"You should select only those laboratory tests in which";W !,"the clinical staff is typically interested. You will also";
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,7)
- ;;=W !,"be prompted as to whether you wish those results to be";W !,"printed on the Assessment report and the Screening form.";W !;80;W !!,"You should select only those drug classifications in";
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,8)
- ;;=W !,"which the clinical staff is typically interested.";W !,"In displaying prescribed drugs, the actual drug name";W !,"will appear, but the selection of drugs to be displayed";
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,9)
- ;;=W !,"will be controlled by the drug classifications selected.";W !;85;
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",2,119.9001)
- ;;=.01:4
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",2,119.985)
- ;;=.01
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,0)
- ;;=FHSEL^2920219.1217^^115^^^2950717^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"%D",0)
- ;;=^^3^3^2930909^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"%D",1,0)
- ;;=This template is used to enter the food preferences for a patient.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"%D",2,0)
- ;;=It will prompt for the quantity only if the selected preference
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"%D",3,0)
- ;;=is a 'Like' rather than a 'Dislike'.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"DR",1,115)
- ;;=10;
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"DR",2,115.09)
- ;;=.01;S X9=$P($G(^FH(115.2,+X,0)),"^",2);1;S:X9="D" Y="@1";2//1;@1;
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,0)
- ;;=FHCMSR^2920220.1546^^117.2^^^2950630^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"%D",0)
- ;;=^^3^3^2920520^^^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"%D",1,0)
- ;;=This template is used to enter values into File 117.2, the
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"%D",2,0)
- ;;=Dietetic Cost of Meals file used to generate the Dietetic
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"%D",3,0)
- ;;=Cost of Meals Report.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"DR",1,117.2)
- ;;=1//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",1);2//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",2);3//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",3);4//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",4);5//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",5);6//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",6);7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19//^S X=35;20//^S X=12;21//^S X=22;22//^S X=6;23//^S X=12;
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"DR",1,117.2,1)
- ;;=24//^S X=13;
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"ROUOLD")
- ;;=
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIPT",326,0)
- ;;=FHNULST^2850412^^112^^^2950711^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIPT",326,"%D",0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2880516^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIPT",326,"%D",1,0)
- ;;=This template is used to print the nutrient data file.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIPT",326,"F",1)
- ;;=.01~1;C62~4;"QUICK";C69~2;"COMMON";C75~3;"GM/UNIT";C86;D1~4.2;C96;L30~4.4;"QUICK";C127~
- FHINI0N9 ; ; 11-OCT-1995
- +1 ;;5.0;Dietetics;;Oct 11, 1995
- +2 FOR I=1:2
- IF X=""
- SET Y=$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),4,999)
- SET X=$EXTRACT(X,4,999)
- IF $ASCII(Y)=126
- SET I=I+1
- SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)_$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),5,99)
- IF $ASCII(Y)=61
- SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)
- SET @X=Y
- +1 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",393,"DR",1,117,1)
- +2 ;;=33;34;35;36;37;38;39;40;41;42;43;44;45;46;47;50;51;
- +3 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,0)
- +4 ;;=FHSITEC1^2910820.1214^^119.9^^^2950705^
- +5 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"%D",0)
- +6 ;;=^^2^2^2911210^^^^
- +7 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"%D",1,0)
- +8 ;;=This template is used to enter the clinical site parameters for the
- +9 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"%D",2,0)
- +10 ;;=Dietetic System.
- +11 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DIAB",1,1,119.9001,0)
- +12 ;;=ALL
- +13 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DIAB",1,1,119.985,0)
- +14 ;;=ALL
- +15 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9)
- +16 ;;=W !!,"--- Clinical Site Parameters";W !!,"The assessment default units are used for determining";W !,"the units for inputs when units are not specified";W !,"and for determining which units are used for output";
- +17 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,1)
- +18 ;;=W !,"on the assessment and screening forms. Either English";W !,"or metric may be selected.";W !;70;W !!,"The Screening form makes provision for a";W !,"site-selectable line being added to the form as the";
- +19 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,2)
- +20 ;;=W !,"last line under the S: (or subjective) section.";W !,"If an entry is made, the user should consider the";W !,"indenting and column usage of the existing lines in";W !,"determining the line to be entered. Just press RETURN";
- +21 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,3)
- +22 ;;=W !,"to bypass having this extra line.";W !;75;W !!,"A Nutrition Profile may optionally be printed following each";W !,"Screening form. Answer YES if you wish the profile printed,";
- +23 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,4)
- +24 ;;=W !,"NO if you do not. Answer A (for Ask user) if you wish the user to be";W !,"prompted as to whether a profile will be printed.";W !;74;W !!,"In selecting laboratory results to be displayed, the";
- +25 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,5)
- +26 ;;=W !,"program allows for the selection of the number of days";W !,"in the past for which data will be searched. Thus,";W !,"selecting 30 as a value will result in the most recent";
- +27 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,6)
- +28 ;;=W !,"lab test results obtained in the last 30 days being displayed.";W !;71;W !!,"You should select only those laboratory tests in which";W !,"the clinical staff is typically interested. You will also";
- +29 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,7)
- +30 ;;=W !,"be prompted as to whether you wish those results to be";W !,"printed on the Assessment report and the Screening form.";W !;80;W !!,"You should select only those drug classifications in";
- +31 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,8)
- +32 ;;=W !,"which the clinical staff is typically interested.";W !,"In displaying prescribed drugs, the actual drug name";W !,"will appear, but the selection of drugs to be displayed";
- +33 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",1,119.9,9)
- +34 ;;=W !,"will be controlled by the drug classifications selected.";W !;85;
- +35 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",2,119.9001)
- +36 ;;=.01:4
- +37 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",394,"DR",2,119.985)
- +38 ;;=.01
- +39 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,0)
- +40 ;;=FHSEL^2920219.1217^^115^^^2950717^
- +41 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"%D",0)
- +42 ;;=^^3^3^2930909^^
- +43 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"%D",1,0)
- +44 ;;=This template is used to enter the food preferences for a patient.
- +45 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"%D",2,0)
- +46 ;;=It will prompt for the quantity only if the selected preference
- +47 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"%D",3,0)
- +48 ;;=is a 'Like' rather than a 'Dislike'.
- +49 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"DR",1,115)
- +50 ;;=10;
- +51 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",395,"DR",2,115.09)
- +52 ;;=.01;S X9=$P($G(^FH(115.2,+X,0)),"^",2);1;S:X9="D" Y="@1";2//1;@1;
- +53 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,0)
- +54 ;;=FHCMSR^2920220.1546^^117.2^^^2950630^
- +55 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"%D",0)
- +56 ;;=^^3^3^2920520^^^^
- +57 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"%D",1,0)
- +58 ;;=This template is used to enter values into File 117.2, the
- +59 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"%D",2,0)
- +60 ;;=Dietetic Cost of Meals file used to generate the Dietetic
- +61 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"%D",3,0)
- +62 ;;=Cost of Meals Report.
- +63 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"DR",1,117.2)
- +64 ;;=1//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",1);2//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",2);3//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",3);4//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",4);5//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",5);6//^S X=$P(FHX1,"^",6);7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19//^S X=35;20//^S X=12;21//^S X=22;22//^S X=6;23//^S X=12;
- +65 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"DR",1,117.2,1)
- +66 ;;=24//^S X=13;
- +67 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIE",396,"ROUOLD")
- +68 ;;=
- +69 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIPT",326,0)
- +70 ;;=FHNULST^2850412^^112^^^2950711^
- +71 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIPT",326,"%D",0)
- +72 ;;=^^1^1^2880516^
- +73 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIPT",326,"%D",1,0)
- +74 ;;=This template is used to print the nutrient data file.
- +75 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,"DIPT",326,"F",1)
- +76 ;;=.01~1;C62~4;"QUICK";C69~2;"COMMON";C75~3;"GM/UNIT";C86;D1~4.2;C96;L30~4.4;"QUICK";C127~