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Routine: IBINI09P


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IBINI09P	; ; 21-MAR-1994
	;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94
	Q:'DIFQ(362.4)  F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
	;;=This file contains all prescription refills for bills in the Bill/Claims file.
	;;=Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this file definition should not be modified.
	;;=S %I=Y,Y=$S('$D(^(0)):"",$D(^DGCR(399,+$P(^(0),U,2),0))#2:$P(^(0),U,1),1:""),C=$P(^DD(399,.01,0),U,2) D Y^DIQ:Y]"" W "   ",Y,@("$E("_DIC_"%I,0),0)") S Y=%I K %I
	;;=W "   ",$E($P(^(0),U,3),4,5)_"-"_$E($P(^(0),U,3),6,7)_"-"_$E($P(^(0),U,3),2,3)
	;;=RX #^RF^^0;1^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>11!($L(X)<1) X
	;;=S ^IBA(362.4,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
	;;=K ^IBA(362.4,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
	;;=S:+$P(^IBA(362.4,+DA,0),U,2) ^IBA(362.4,"AIFN"_+$P(^(0),U,2),X,+DA)=""
	;;=K:+$P(^IBA(362.4,+DA,0),U,2) ^IBA(362.4,"AIFN"_+$P(^(0),U,2),X,+DA)
	;;=Special x-ref set up specifically to provide a regular x-ref of a bill and
	;;=all it's rx refills for easy look-up.
	;;=K DIV S DIV=X,D0=DA,DIV(0)=D0 S Y(1)=$S($D(^IBA(362.4,D0,0)):^(0),1:"") S X=$P(Y(1),U,5),X=X S DIU=X K Y S X="" X ^DD(362.4,.01,1,3,2.4)
	;;=S DIH=$S($D(^IBA(362.4,DIV(0),0)):^(0),1:""),DIV=X S $P(^(0),U,5)=DIV,DIH=362.4,DIG=.05 D ^DICR:$O(^DD(DIH,DIG,1,0))>0
	;;=Deletes the Prescription Record pointer if the Prescription Number is modified.
	;;^DD(362.4,.01,1,3,"CREATE VALUE")
	;;^DD(362.4,.01,1,3,"DELETE VALUE")
	;;=Answer must be 1-11 characters in length.
	;;=The prescription number for the refill.
	;;=A free text pointer (may correspond to 52,.01).  Because prescriptions 
	;;=may be deleted from file 52 or prescriptions added that may not be from  
	;;=outpatient pharmacy this may not be defined in the Prescription file (52).
	;;=BILL NUMBER^R*P399'^DGCR(399,^0;2^S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,13)<3" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DIE,X=+Y K:Y<0 X
	;;=S ^IBA(362.4,"AIFN"_X,$P(^IBA(362.4,+DA,0),U,1),DA)=""
	;;=K ^IBA(362.4,"AIFN"_X,$P(^IBA(362.4,+DA,0),U,1),DA)
	;;=Special x-ref set up specifically to provide a regular x-ref of a bill and