INHUTIL1 ;FRW ; 10 Feb 92 07:56; GIS Functions
;;3.01;BHL IHS Interfaces with GIS;;JUL 01, 2001
SYS() ;Get curent system
; function - VA, SC, or NULL (error)
N %
S %=$G(^DIW(0)) I $P(%,"^",1)="WINDOW",+$P(%,"^",2)=1.2 Q "SC"
S %=$G(^DPT(0)) I $P(%,"^",1)="PATIENT",+$P(%,"^",2)=2 Q "VA"
Q ""
SYSNAME(%) ;Get system name
; % - type of system (from $$SYS)
; function - system name
I %="SC" Q "SAIC-Care"
I %="VA" Q "DHCP"
Q ""
SC() ;Is this system SAIC-Care
;Returns 1 if so, 0 otherwise
;This function will also return a 0 if the system is an Indian
;Health Service (IHS) system. Syntax used within the GIS that
;checks $$SC^INHUTIL1 is used for branching logic to use
;ScreenMan screens instead of WindowMan screens and for
;other IHS/VA specific functionality.
Q $$SYS="SC"
INHUTIL1 ;FRW ; 10 Feb 92 07:56; GIS Functions
+1 ;;3.01;BHL IHS Interfaces with GIS;;JUL 01, 2001
+2 ;COPYRIGHT 1991-2000 SAIC
SYS() ;Get curent system
+2 ; function - VA, SC, or NULL (error)
+3 ;
+4 NEW %
+5 SET %=$GET(^DIW(0))
IF $PIECE(%,"^",1)="WINDOW"
IF +$PIECE(%,"^",2)=1.2
+6 SET %=$GET(^DPT(0))
IF $PIECE(%,"^",1)="PATIENT"
IF +$PIECE(%,"^",2)=2
+7 QUIT ""
+8 ;
SYSNAME(%) ;Get system name
+1 ;INPUT:
+2 ; % - type of system (from $$SYS)
+3 ;
+5 ; function - system name
+6 ;
+7 IF %="SC"
+8 IF %="VA"
+9 QUIT ""
+10 ;
SC() ;Is this system SAIC-Care
+1 ;Returns 1 if so, 0 otherwise
+2 ;This function will also return a 0 if the system is an Indian
+3 ;Health Service (IHS) system. Syntax used within the GIS that
+4 ;checks $$SC^INHUTIL1 is used for branching logic to use
+5 ;ScreenMan screens instead of WindowMan screens and for
+6 ;other IHS/VA specific functionality.
+7 QUIT $$SYS="SC"
+8 ;
+9 ;