Prompt: !!,"Each day has a different set of patients for which cumulatives are printed.",!,"Your next response will be a beginning date for combining these sets of",!,"patients into the next cumulative (ending date is today). "
Line Location: DEL1+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"A cumulative will be printed for each patient that originally",!,"had a cumulative during this time period. The potential for duplicates",!,"is high because of patient movement within the time period."
Line Location: DEL1+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: " ",LRDTX
Line Location: DEL1+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"Re-cross referencing just the ""AC"" index will recapture the pointers to",!,"^LR from ^LRO(68,""AC""; thus, all data back to a given date (date of going",!,"live with cum) that is still on the system can be reprinted.",!
Line Location: MOR+0
Function Call: READ
Prompt: !
Timeout: %>0
Variable: "Do you want to re-cross reference the ""AC"" X-ref from a certain date" S %=1 D YN^DICN Q