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Routine: LRIPOS2


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LRIPOS2 ;AVAMC/REG - SET DD(65.091,.03 PART OF LRINIT POST INITS V 5.2;7/23/92  12:39
 ;;5.2;LR;;NOV 01, 1997
 ;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;;Sep 27, 1994
 ; If entries in MODIFIED/TO FROM FIELD then
 ; If disposition not modified or no disposition put a 1 in the
 ; ^DD(65.091,.03 field
 ; If unit is whole blood put a 2 in the 3rd piece of the zero subscript
 ; If divided unit put a 2 for each divided unit in 0;3
 ; Should be only ran during the post init process
 ; It does not do any harm to run this routine more than once.
EN ;
 W !,"Updating the Modified/To From Field in the Blood Bank Module",!
 F A=0:0 S A=$O(^LRD(65,A)) Q:'A  I $O(^LRD(65,A,9,0)) S B=$S($D(^LRD(65,A,4)):$P(^(4),"^"),1:1) D A
ADSOL Q:'$O(^LRE(0))
 W !!,"Changing ADSOL to CPD in the Donor file (#65.5) ^LRE( ",! ;for ^DD(65.54,4.11,0) entries
 S I=0 F  S I=$O(^LRE(I)) Q:'I  S LRI=0 F  S LRI=$O(^LRE(I,5,LRI)) Q:'LRI  S Y=$P($G(^(LRI,2)),"^",9) S:Y=4 $P(^(2),"^",9)=1
 W !,"Your file has been adjusted",!
A W:'(A#100) "." I B'="MO" S P=1 D C Q
 I $S('$P($G(^LRD(65,A,0)),"^",4):1,'$D(^LAB(66,$P(^LRD(65,A,0),"^",4),0)):1,1:0) W !,"^LRD(65,",A,",entry corrupted or no entry in 4th piece of 0th subscript",!,"or no component entry in file 66 for unit",! Q
 I $P(^LAB(66,$P(^LRD(65,A,0),"^",4),0),"^",26)=1 S P=2 D C Q
 K C S (E,G)=0 F C=0:0 S C=$O(^LRD(65,A,9,C)) Q:'C  S F=$P(^(C,0),"^",2),E=E+1,C(C)="" I "ABCDE"[$E(F,$L(F)) S C(C)=2
 S F=0 F C=0:0 S C=$O(C(C)) Q:'C  S F=F+1 D S
 S:G $P(^LRD(65,A,4),"^",4)="("_G_")" Q
S I F=E S $P(^LRD(65,A,9,C,0),"^",3)=2 Q
 I C(C) S $P(^LRD(65,A,9,C,0),"^",3)=2 Q
 S $P(^LRD(65,A,9,C,0),"^",3)=1,G=G+1 Q
C F C=0:0 S C=$O(^LRD(65,A,9,C)) Q:'C  S $P(^(C,0),"^",3)=P