Prompt: !,"Do you want all survey data for just one organism?"
Line Location: ASK1+0
Function Call: READ
Prompt: "// "
Timeout: DTIME
Variable: X
Line Location: SAMPLE+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"Will all reports be by (S)ite/specimen or (C)ollection sample? ",LRSIT(1)
Line Location: SAMPLE+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Select 'S' or 'C', or '^' to exit."
Line Location: SAMPLE+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !
Line Location: SAMPLE+1
Function Call: READ
Prompt: "to be excluded from all reports. 0// "
Timeout: DTIME
Variable: X
Line Location: LOS+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"Number of days from patient's admission date to collection date of specimen",!
Line Location: LOS+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Enter number of days to exclude."
Line Location: LOS+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !
Line Location: LOS+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"Will all reports require a specific antibiotic pattern"
Line Location: AP+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"You may restrict all reports to only those that have specific antibiotic",!,"interpretations."
Line Location: AP+0
Function Call: READ
Prompt: "Select Interpretation: "
Formatting: !
Timeout: DTIME
Variable: X
Line Location: AP+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Survey by: ",LRPROMPT
Line Location: ASK+0
Function Call: READ
Prompt: "// "
Timeout: DTIME
Variable: X
Line Location: ASK+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"You must use:"
Line Location: CHECK+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,?5,J
Line Location: CHECK+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"Select 'A' to obtain a survey grouped by all ",LRPROMPT,"s.",!,"Select 'S' to obtain a survey for only one ",LRPROMPT,".",!,"Select 'N' if you DO NOT want a survey grouped by ",LRPROMPT,".",!,"'^' to exit",!