Prompt: !!,"Enter the number for the graph you wish to print.",!,"The default is Vital Signs Record.",!
Line Location: TRYAGN+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: " ",$P($T(GCHART+X),";;",2)
Line Location: TRYAGN+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,?5,$C(7),"This report must be queued to",!!,?8,"SF 511: 132 columns printer or Kyocera or HP Laser printer,",!,?8,"B/P Plotting, Weight chart or Pulse Oximetry/Respiration",!,?10,"Graph: Kyocera or HP Laser printer.",!
Line Location: WRT1+0
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: ?5,"Pain Chart must be queued to a HP Laser printer.",!
Line Location: WRT1+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,$S(NGRAPH=2:"B/P Plotting Chart",NGRAPH=3:"Weight Chart",NGRAPH=4:"Pulse Oximetry/Respiration Graph",1:"")_" must be queued to a Kyocera or HP Laser printer.",!!