Prompt: @IOF,!!,VADM(1)," has not been admitted into the NURSING SYSTEM by MAS, because ",!,NURSX," (MAS ward) does not have a corresponding NURSING",!,"Unit."
Line Location: NOADM+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"To admit the patient: ",!," 1. Validate ",NURSX," the MAS Ward by giving it a",!," NURSING Unit by running option Nursing Location File, Edit",!," (NURSFL-LOC), by choosing the appropriate NURSING Unit,"
Line Location: NOADM+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !," and adding the appropriate MAS Location.",!!," 2. Then run the option NURS PATIENT File Update (Admit patient)",!," (NURSPT-ACT) to admit the patient into the NURSING SERVICE.",@IOF
Line Location: NOADM+4
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,*7,*7,"Notify NURSING ADP Coordinator and Site Manager that this patient was not",!,"admitted into the NURSING Service because NURSING Site parameters were not",!,"updated."