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Routine: RAIPRE2

Package: Radiology Nuclear Medicine

Routine: RAIPRE2


RAIPRE2 ;HIRMFO/GJC- Pre-init routine ;10/23/97 09:30

Source Information

Source file <RAIPRE2.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 7

Package Total Call Graph
Kernel 1 (BMES,MES)^XPDUTL  
Radiology Nuclear Medicine 1 ENKILL^RAXREF  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN1 ; Delete the Allow 'VA' Patient Entry field from the Rad/Nuc Med
; Division data dictionary. Delete Allow 'VA' Patient Entry data
; from the Rad/Nuc Med Division file.
EN2 ; Delete the Allow 'NON-VA' Patient Entry field from the Rad/Nuc Med
; Division data dictionary. Delete Allow 'NON-VA' Patient Entry data
; from the Rad/Nuc Med Division file.
VERSION ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998
EN4 ; Delete the following fields from the Rad/Nuc Med Division
; data dictionary: Last DFN Converted (75.1), Conversion Start
; Time (75.1), Conversion Stop Time (75.1), Last DFN Converted
; (70), Conversion Start Time (70) & Conversion Stop Time (70).
; All data associated with these fields will be deleted.
EN3 ; Delete the Ask 'Requesting Physician' field from the Rad/Nuc Med
; Division data dictionary. Delete Ask 'Requesting Physician' data
; from the Rad/Nuc Med Division file.
EN7 ; Un-compile the 'RA STATUS CHANGE' & 'RA EXAM EDIT' input templates
; on the Rad/Nuc Med Patient file.
; Variable Definition:
; RAEXED -> ien of the RA EXAM EDIT template
; RASTCH -> ien of the RA STATUS CHANGE template
; RATXT -> array which contains the message displayed to the user
TMPMSG(X) ; Build the text array for each specific compiled input
; template.
; Input: X-the name of the input template
EN5 ; Change the name of 'Radiology Location' in the Label Print Fields
; file (78.7) to 'Imaging Location'.

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
$$FIND1^DIC EN7+8, EN7+12
UNC^DIEZ EN7+10, EN7+14
^DIK EN1+15, EN2+15, EN3+15, EN4+22
$$GET1^DIQ EN4+20
ENKILL^RAXREF EN1+12, EN2+12, EN3+12, EN4+15
BMES^XPDUTL EN1+9, EN2+9, EN3+9, EN4+21
MES^XPDUTL EN5+7, EN7+10, EN7+14

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DIE - [#.402] FIND1^DIC
^DIC(4 - [#4] GET1^DIQ

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^DD( EN4+6, EN4+12
^DD(79 EN1+3, EN2+3, EN3+3
^DIC - [#1] EN4+9
^RA( EN4+10, EN4+14, EN4+16*, EN4+24!
^RA(78.7 - [#78.7] EN5+2, EN5+6
^RA(79 - [#79] EN1+10, EN1+11, EN1+13*, EN2+10, EN2+11, EN2+13*, EN3+10, EN3+11, EN3+13*

Label References

Name Line Occurrences
TMPMSG EN7+10, EN7+14

Naked Globals

Name Field # of Occurrence
^(0 EN4+9, EN4+12

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
% EN1+4~, EN2+4~, EN3+4~, EN4+8~, EN4+24!
DA EN1+4~, EN1+15*, EN2+4~, EN2+15*, EN3+4~, EN3+15*, EN4+8~, EN4+22*, EN4+24!
DA(1 EN1+15*, EN2+15*, EN3+15*, EN4+22*
DIC EN1+4~, EN2+4~, EN3+4~, EN4+8~, EN4+24!
DIK EN1+4~, EN1+15*, EN2+4~, EN2+15*, EN3+4~, EN3+15*, EN4+8~, EN4+22*, EN4+24!
RAD0 EN1+4~, EN1+5*, EN1+10*, EN1+11, EN1+12, EN1+13, EN2+4~, EN2+5*, EN2+10*, EN2+11
, EN2+12, EN2+13, EN3+4~, EN3+5*, EN3+10*, EN3+11, EN3+12, EN3+13, EN4+8~*, EN4+10*
, EN4+14, EN4+15, EN4+16, EN4+20, EN4+24
RADATA EN4+8~, EN4+14*, EN4+15, EN4+16
RADD EN1+4~, EN1+5*, EN1+12, EN1+15, EN2+4~, EN2+5*, EN2+12, EN2+15, EN3+4~, EN3+5*
, EN3+12, EN3+15, EN4+5~*, EN4+6, EN4+9, EN4+10, EN4+12, EN4+14, EN4+15, EN4+16
, EN4+22, EN4+24
RADLOC EN5+3~, EN5+6*, EN5+7, EN5+8
RAEXED EN7+7~, EN7+12*, EN7+13, EN7+14
RAFILE EN4+8~, EN4+9*, EN4+18, EN4+20
RAFLD EN1+4~, EN1+5*, EN1+12, EN1+15, EN2+4~, EN2+5*, EN2+12, EN2+15, EN3+4~, EN3+5*
, EN3+12, EN3+15, EN4+6*, EN4+8~, EN4+11*, EN4+12, EN4+14, EN4+15, EN4+16, EN4+22
RAFLDTXT EN4+8~, EN4+12*, EN4+13, EN4+17, EN4+19
RALL EN1+4~, EN1+11*, EN1+12, EN1+13
RALLN EN2+4~, EN2+11*, EN2+12, EN2+13
RAREQ EN3+4~, EN3+11*, EN3+12, EN3+13
RASTCH EN7+7~, EN7+8*, EN7+9, EN7+10
RATXT EN1+4~, EN1+9, EN2+4~, EN2+9, EN3+4~, EN3+9, EN4+8~, EN4+21, EN5+3~, EN5+7
, EN7+7~, EN7+10, EN7+13!, EN7+14
RATXT(1 EN1+5*, EN2+5*, EN3+5*, EN4+17*, EN5+3*, TMPMSG+3*
RATXT(2 EN1+6*, EN2+6*, EN3+6*, EN4+17*, EN5+4*, TMPMSG+4*
RATXT(3 EN1+7*, EN2+7*, EN3+7*, EN4+18*, EN5+5*, TMPMSG+5*
RATXT(4 EN1+8*, EN2+8*, EN3+8*, EN4+19*, TMPMSG+6*
RATXT(5 EN4+20*
RAXIST EN4+5~*, EN4+6*, EN4+7
X EN1+4~, EN2+4~, EN3+4~, EN4+8~, EN4+24!, TMPMSG~, TMPMSG+4, TMPMSG+6
Y EN1+4~, EN2+4~, EN3+4~, EN4+8~, EN4+24!
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