Prompt: !!,"You were last executing the '",$P(XQOPTN,U,3),"' menu option."
Line Location: XQTOC+17
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"If you wish to continue at the last option you were executing, enter 'Y',",!
Line Location: ASK+0
Function Call: READ
Timeout: 20
Variable: XQUR
Line Location: CON+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!," If you enter 'Y' or 'RETURN' you will halt and continue here next time",!," you logon to the computer.",!," If you enter 'N' you will resume processing where you were."
Line Location: CON+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !
Line Location: CON+3
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,$P("Great^OK^All right^Well certainly^Fine","^",$R(5)+1),". ",$P("See you later.^I'll be ready when you are.^Hurry back!^Have a nice lunch.","^",$R(3)+X+1)