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Routine: ZTMS5


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  1. %ZTMS5 ;ISF/RWF - TaskMan utility ;2/19/08 13:46
  1. ;;8.0;KERNEL;**275,446**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 44
  1. ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
  1. Q
  1. ;Called from ZTMON1, Jobed from %ZTM5.
  1. SUBCHK(DILOCKTM) ;Check for lost submanagers, Update Count
  1. N %C,%N,%J,ZT2,ZT3,TO
  1. I '$D(DILOCKTM) S DILOCKTM=+$G(^DD("DILOCKTM"),0) ;p446
  1. S %N="",MARK=$G(MARK)
  1. F S %N=$O(^%ZTSCH("SUB",%N)) Q:%N="" D
  1. . L +^%ZTSCH("SUB",%N):DILOCKTM
  1. . S %C=0,%J=0,ZT3=$$H3^%ZTM($H)
  1. . F S %J=$O(^%ZTSCH("SUB",%N,%J)) Q:%J'>0 D
  1. . . S ZT2=$$H3^%ZTM($G(^(%J)))
  1. . . ;Check for old
  1. . . I (ZT2+30)<ZT3 K ^%ZTSCH("SUB",%N,%J) Q
  1. . . ;Check for not locked.
  1. . . L +^%ZTSCH("SUBLK",%N,%J):DILOCKTM I $T L -^%ZTSCH("SUBLK",%N,%J) K ^%ZTSCH("SUB",%N,%J) Q
  1. . . S %C=%C+1
  1. . . Q
  1. . S ^%ZTSCH("SUB",%N)=%C
  1. . L -^%ZTSCH("SUB",%N)
  1. . Q
  1. Q