This file is used to register sending and receiving applications for HL7 messaging. For receiving applications, the process of registration consists of registering what messages the application is prepared to receive. For both sending and receiving applications, it is necessary to specify what package the application belongs to. For sending applications, that is the only field that applies, other than the name of the sending application. An application can be either a sender or a receiver of messages, or both. In order for an application to receive messages, it must specify an action (M tag^routine) for each type of message that it is capable of receiving, or a default action that applies when no messsage-specific action is defined.
HELP-PROMPT: If the return link cannot be identified via the Sending Facility (i.e., sent via an IE), what link should the application ack be sent through?
DESCRIPTION: This field applies only if: 1) The receiving application is expected to return application acknowledgments. 2) The initial message is received indirectly through the IE, and the receiving application in turn does not
want to send the application acknowledgment directly back to the sending facility identified in the message header.
HELP-PROMPT: You may create an optional default private in-queue by entering a unique name up to 20 characters in length. Queues specified for specific message types take precedence.
HELP-PROMPT: If the application utilizes batch messages, the action to perform upon receipt of the message should be entered in the BATCH ACTION TAG and BATCH ACTION ROUTINE fields as ^.
HELP-PROMPT: If the application utilizes batch messages, the action to perform upon receipt of the message should be entered in the BATCH ACTION TAG and BATCH ACTION ROUTINE fields as ^.
HELP-PROMPT: You can enter the action to perform upon receipt of a message where no other action applies by entering the DEFAULT ACTION TAG and DEFAULT ACTION ROUTINE fields as ^.
HELP-PROMPT: You can enter the action to perform upon receipt of a message where no other action applies by entering the DEFAULT ACTION TAG and DEFAULT ACTION ROUTINE fields as ^.
INPUT TRANSFORM: S DIC("S")="I $E($P(^HLCS(870,Y,0),""^"",4),2)=""S""" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=$G(DIE),X=+Y K:Y<0 X
HELP-PROMPT: If your application requires its own listener (HIGHLY DISCOURAGED), enter it here.
DESCRIPTION: Applications are highly discouraged from establishing their own listeners. The use of the multi-listeners provide concurrent processing of many connections over the same port, so a dedicated listener will not provide an
application with a performance boost, while it will cause the site additional work to maintain. So before establishing a dedicated listener, the application developer should verify the need.
SCREEN: S DIC("S")="I $E($P(^HLCS(870,Y,0),""^"",4),2)=""S"""