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IHS GPRA Information System : Pharmacy Data Management

IHS GPRA Information System and Pharmacy Data Management Interaction Details


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

protocol O screenman SM broker B event driver Ed print P extended action Ea limited protocol LP edit E server Se subscriber Su inquire I run routine RR action A

IHS GPRA Information System-->Pharmacy Data Management :

Total 0 routine(s) in IHS GPRA Information System called total 0 routine(s) in Pharmacy Data Management
Total 0 Global(s) in IHS GPRA Information System called total 0 routine(s) in Pharmacy Data Management
Total 0 Global(s) in IHS GPRA Information System called total 0 Global(s) in Pharmacy Data Management
Total 0 Package Component(s) in IHS GPRA Information System called total 0 routine(s) in Pharmacy Data Management
Total 330 routine(s) in IHS GPRA Information System accessed total 4 global(s) in Pharmacy Data Management
Total 0 fileman file(s) in IHS GPRA Information System pointed to total 0 fileman file(s) in Pharmacy Data Management
Total 10 routine(s) in IHS GPRA Information System accessed via fileman db call to total 1 fileman file(s) in Pharmacy Data Management

Routines --> Globals

Referred Routines List in IHS GPRA Information System : 330

BGP0C12    BGP0CON1    BGP0CU    BGP0CU1    BGP0CU2    BGP0CU4    BGP0D22    BGP0D51    
BGP0D52    BGP0D711    BGP0D72    BGP0D721    BGP0D722    BGP0D731    BGP0D732    BGP0D74    
BGP0D75    BGP0D81    BGP0D82    BGP0D83    BGP0D84    BGP0D861    BGP0D863    BGP0D864    
BGP0DHE2    BGP0DMT    BGP0EL4    BGP0EO11    BGP0POS1    BGP0UTL2    BGP1C12    BGP1CON1    
BGP1CU    BGP1CU1    BGP1CU2    BGP1CU4    BGP1D21    BGP1D22    BGP1D51    BGP1D52    
BGP1D711    BGP1D72    BGP1D721    BGP1D722    BGP1D723    BGP1D724    BGP1D731    BGP1D732    
BGP1D74    BGP1D75    BGP1D81    BGP1D82    BGP1D83    BGP1D84    BGP1D861    BGP1D863    
BGP1D864    BGP1DHE2    BGP1DMT    BGP1EL4    BGP1EO11    BGP1POS1    BGP1UTL2    BGP2C12    
BGP2CON1    BGP2CU    BGP2CU1    BGP2CU2    BGP2CU4    BGP2D21    BGP2D22    BGP2D51    
BGP2D52    BGP2D711    BGP2D72    BGP2D721    BGP2D722    BGP2D723    BGP2D724    BGP2D731    
BGP2D732    BGP2D74    BGP2D75    BGP2D81    BGP2D82    BGP2D83    BGP2D84    BGP2D861    
BGP2D863    BGP2D864    BGP2DHE2    BGP2DMT    BGP2EL4    BGP2EO11    BGP2POS1    BGP2UTL2    
BGP3C12    BGP3CON1    BGP3CU    BGP3CU1    BGP3CU2    BGP3CU4    BGP3D21    BGP3D22    
BGP3D51    BGP3D52    BGP3D711    BGP3D72    BGP3D721    BGP3D722    BGP3D723    BGP3D724    
BGP3D731    BGP3D732    BGP3D74    BGP3D75    BGP3D81    BGP3D82    BGP3D83    BGP3D84    
BGP3D861    BGP3D863    BGP3D864    BGP3D91    BGP3DMT    BGP3EL4    BGP3POS1    BGP3UTL2    
BGP4CON1    BGP4CU    BGP4CU1    BGP4D21    BGP4D22    BGP4D51    BGP4D52    BGP4D711    
BGP4D72    BGP4D721    BGP4D722    BGP4D723    BGP4D724    BGP4D731    BGP4D732    BGP4D74    
BGP4D75    BGP4D81    BGP4D82    BGP4D83    BGP4D84    BGP4D861    BGP4D863    BGP4D864    
BGP4D89    BGP4D91    BGP4DMT    BGP4EL4    BGP4POS1    BGP4UTL2    BGP5C1    BGP5C12    
BGP5CON1    BGP5CU    BGP5CU1    BGP5D21    BGP5D22    BGP5D51    BGP5D52    BGP5D711    
BGP5D72    BGP5D721    BGP5D722    BGP5D723    BGP5D724    BGP5D731    BGP5D732    BGP5D74    
BGP5D75    BGP5D81    BGP5D82    BGP5D83    BGP5D84    BGP5D861    BGP5D863    BGP5D864    
BGP5D89    BGP5D91    BGP5DMT    BGP5EL4    BGP5POS1    BGP5UTL2    BGP6C1    BGP6C12    
BGP6CON1    BGP6CU    BGP6CU1    BGP6D21    BGP6D214    BGP6D22    BGP6D51    BGP6D52    
BGP6D711    BGP6D721    BGP6D722    BGP6D723    BGP6D724    BGP6D731    BGP6D732    BGP6D74    
BGP6D75    BGP6D81    BGP6D82    BGP6D83    BGP6D84    BGP6D861    BGP6D863    BGP6D864    
BGP6D89    BGP6D91    BGP6DMT    BGP6DPA4    BGP6EL4    BGP6POS1    BGP6UTL2    BGP7C1    
BGP7C12    BGP7CON1    BGP7CU    BGP7CU1    BGP7D21    BGP7D214    BGP7D22    BGP7D51    
BGP7D52    BGP7D711    BGP7D721    BGP7D722    BGP7D723    BGP7D724    BGP7D731    BGP7D732    
BGP7D74    BGP7D75    BGP7D81    BGP7D82    BGP7D83    BGP7D84    BGP7D861    BGP7D863    
BGP7D864    BGP7D89    BGP7D91    BGP7DMT    BGP7DPA4    BGP7POS1    BGP7UTL2    BGP8C12    
BGP8CON1    BGP8CU    BGP8CU1    BGP8CU2    BGP8CU4    BGP8D21    BGP8D214    BGP8D22    
BGP8D51    BGP8D52    BGP8D711    BGP8D721    BGP8D722    BGP8D723    BGP8D724    BGP8D731    
BGP8D732    BGP8D74    BGP8D75    BGP8D81    BGP8D82    BGP8D83    BGP8D84    BGP8D861    
BGP8D863    BGP8D864    BGP8D89    BGP8D91    BGP8DHE2    BGP8DMT    BGP8DPA4    BGP8EO11    
BGP8P181    BGP8PC12    BGP8POS    BGP8POS1    BGP8UTL2    BGP9C12    BGP9CON1    BGP9CU    
BGP9CU1    BGP9CU2    BGP9CU4    BGP9D22    BGP9D51    BGP9D52    BGP9D711    BGP9D72    
BGP9D721    BGP9D722    BGP9D731    BGP9D732    BGP9D74    BGP9D75    BGP9D81    BGP9D82    
BGP9D83    BGP9D84    BGP9D861    BGP9D863    BGP9D864    BGP9DHE2    BGP9DMT    BGP9EL4    

Referenced Globals List in Pharmacy Data Management : 4

^PS(52.6    ^PS(52.7    ^PS(55    ^PSDRUG    

FileMan Db Call Routines --> FileMan Files

FileMan Db Call Routines List in IHS GPRA Information System : 10

BGP4D81    BGP4POS1    BGP5D81    BGP5POS1    BGP6D81    BGP6POS1    BGP7D81    BGP7POS1    
BGP8D81    BGP8POS1    

FileMan Db Call Accessed FileMan Files List in Pharmacy Data Management : 1


Pharmacy Data Management-->IHS GPRA Information System :

Total 0 routine(s) in Pharmacy Data Management called total 0 routine(s) in IHS GPRA Information System
Total 0 Global(s) in Pharmacy Data Management called total 0 routine(s) in IHS GPRA Information System
Total 0 Global(s) in Pharmacy Data Management called total 0 Global(s) in IHS GPRA Information System
Total 0 Package Component(s) in Pharmacy Data Management called total 0 routine(s) in IHS GPRA Information System
Total 0 routine(s) in Pharmacy Data Management accessed total 0 global(s) in IHS GPRA Information System
Total 0 fileman file(s) in Pharmacy Data Management pointed to total 0 fileman file(s) in IHS GPRA Information System
Total 0 routine(s) in Pharmacy Data Management accessed via fileman db call to total 0 fileman file(s) in IHS GPRA Information System

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