This is a pointer to an expression which will use WORD (.01) as a keyword during look-up.
1)= S ^LEX(757.05,DA(1),1,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^LEX(757.05,DA(1),1,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
^LEX(757.05,WORD,1,"B",EXP,IEN) - where WORD is the Internal Entry Number in the Replacement Word file #757.05 where the linked Word (.01) is located, EXP is the Internal Entry Number in the Expression file #757.01 where
the linked expression is located, and IEN is the Internal Entry Number of the Linkages Sub-file #757.53 where the Word-Expression linkage is located.
1)= S:+X>1 ^LEX(757.05,"AEXP",X,DA(1))=""
2)= K:+X>1 ^LEX(757.05,"AEXP",X,DA(1))
^LEX(757.05,"AEXP",EXP,IEN) - where EXP is the Internal Entry Number of the expression in the Expression file #757.01 which has been linked to a Word (.01) and IEN is the Internal Entry Number in the Replacement Word
file #757.05 where the Word (1) which has been linked to an expression is located. This index is created at the file (not sub-file) level.