HELP-PROMPT: Enter the effective date of the CC designation.
This is the date that a Complication/Comorbidity (CC) designation became effective.
1)= S ^ICD9(DA(1),69,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^ICD9(DA(1),69,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
^ICD9(IEN1,69,"B",EFF,IEN2) - Where IEN1 is the internal entry number in the ICD-9 Diagnosis file #80, EFF is the effective date for Complication/Comorbidity (CC) designation and IEN2 is the internal entry number in the
COMPLICATION/COMORBIDITY multiple where the Complication/Comorbidity (CC) designation is stored.
DESCRIPTION: This is the Complication/Comorbidity (CC) designation for the diagnosis. It includes Complication/Comorbidity (CC), Major Complication/Comorbidity (MCC), Major Complication/Comorbidity when patient is discharged alive
and non-Complication/Comorbidity (no complications/cormorbidities)