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Sub-Field: 80.1682

Package: DRG Grouper

ICD OPERATION/PROCEDURE(#80.1)-->80.168-->80.1682

Sub-Field: 80.1682


Parent File Name Number Package
80.168 SUPPLEMENTAL 80.1682 DRG Grouper


Field # Name Loc Type Details

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>63!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  AUG 25, 2012
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 1-63 characters in length.
    This field contains a single word that should be included in the word index.
  • CROSS-REFERENCE:  80.1682^B
    1)= S ^ICD0(DA(2),68,DA(1),2,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^ICD0(DA(2),68,DA(1),2,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
    ^ICD0(OP,68,DES,2,"B",WORD,IEN) - where OP is the internal entry number (IEN) of the ICD Operation/Procedure file, DES is the internal entry number of the DESCRIPTION multiple (sub-file #80.168) of the description
    containing supplemental keywords, WORD an alternate keyword to be used in lookups and IEN is the internal entry number of the SUPPLEMENTAL multiple (sub-file #80.1682) where the supplemental keyword is stored.
    1)= D SAD3^ICDIDX(80.1)
    2)= D KAD3^ICDIDX(80.1)
    ^ICD0("AD",SYS,WD,FI,CDT,DI,WI) - where SYS is the coding system (field 1.1), WD is a keyword from the SUPPLEMENTAL sub-file (80.1682), FI is the internal entry number to the ICD Operation Procedure file, CDT is the
    date the keyword became effective (sub-file 80.168, .01 field), DI is the internal entry number of the DESCRIPTION multiple (sub-file 80.168) and WI is the internal entry number of the SUPPLEMENTAL multiple (sub-file
    80.1682) where the key word is stored.
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