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Sub-Field: 80.17111

Package: DRG Grouper

ICD OPERATION/PROCEDURE(#80.1)-->80.171-->80.1711-->80.17111

Sub-Field: 80.17111


Parent File Name Number Package
80.1711 DRG 80.17111 DRG Grouper


Field # Name Loc Type Details
.01 DRG 0;1 POINTER TO DRG FILE (#80.2) DRG(#80.2)

  • LAST EDITED:  SEP 30, 2011
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Enter a DRG associated with the MDC for the ICD code.
    This is a DRG Group associated with the procedure.
  • CROSS-REFERENCE:  80.17111^B
    1)= S ^ICD0(DA(3),2,DA(2),1,DA(1),1,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^ICD0(DA(3),2,DA(2),1,DA(1),1,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
    ^ICD0(IEN1,2,IEN2,1,IEN3,1,"B",DRG,IEN4) - Where IEN1 is the internal entry number in the OPERATIONS/PROCEDURE file 80.1, IEN2 is the internal entry number in the DRG GROUPER multiple 80.171, IEN3 is the internal
    entry number in the MAJOR DIAGNOSTIC CATEGORY multiple 80.1711, DRG is a pointer to the DRG file #80.2 and IEN4 is the enternal entry number of the DRG multiple #80.17111 where the DRG is stored.
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