This file contains all acceptable relationships for persons contained in the PATIENT RELATION file. These relationships are provided by MAS VACO for use in the income screening and means test portions of the MAS software. They must NOT be altered in any way at the site level. No entries may be added, edited, or removed from this file.
INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>30!(X?.N)!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E) X
DESCRIPTION: This field contains the name of an allowable relationship for an individual to a patient. The list of allowable relationships is provided by MAS VACO based on documentation from the Internal Revenue Service. This data is
used in the income screening and means test modules of MAS and must not be added to, edited, or removed from this file.
DELETE TEST: 1,0)= I 1 W !,*7,"Deletion of a relationship is not allowed."
HELP-PROMPT: Is this relationship currently acceptable through DHCP?
DESCRIPTION: Enter yes, if this relationship is allowable through DHCP. Otherwise, respond no. This information is provided by MAS VACO for use in the income screening and means test modules of MAS. It must not be altered in any way
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the sex of this type of relationship. If the relationship can be either sex (example: SPOUSE), enter E.
DESCRIPTION: Enter the sex of a person of this relationship. In some cases, such as 'SELF', 'SPOUSE', or 'OTHER', the sex could be either male or female. In that case, enter EITHER.
This information is provided and maintained by the MAS package. Alteration of this data in any way could have negative impacts on the performance of the MAS package at your facility.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter yes, if this relationship is recognized by the means test portion of MAS. Otherwise, respond no.
DESCRIPTION: If this relationship is an acceptable relationship for means test purposes, respond YES here. If the relationship is acceptable for only income screening and IVM (income verification matching) purposes and not for means
test, answer NO here.
This information is provided by MAS VACO and maintained by the MAS software module. It must not be altered in any way at the local facility level.