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Package: New Mexico HCS

Package: New Mexico HCS


Namespace: ABM 


VA documentation in the VistA Documentation Library

Dependent Graph

Package Dependent List, Total: 13

Format:   package[# of caller routines(R) -> # of called routines(R): # of global-accessing routines(R) -> # of called globals(G): # of caller fileman files(F) -> # of called fileman files(F): # of caller routines(R) -> # of fileman files accessed via db call(F): # of package components accessing routines(PC) -> # of called routines(R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called routines (R): # of caller globals(G) -> # of called globals (G):

Third Party Billing [570(R)->(G)89]   IHS Accounts Receivable [42(R)->(G)2]   IHS Uniform Data System [8(R)->(G)1]   Local Area Programs [6(R)->(G)4]   IHS Patient Merge [5(R)->(G)1]   IHS Patient Registration [3(R)->(G)3]   
Phoenix Devel Center [2(R)->(G)4]   GUI Objects [1(R)->(G)1]   Third Party Tracking [1(R)->(G)2]   IHS Omnicell Pyxis Interface [1(R)->(G)2]   Utility Tables [1(R)->(G)1]   Tucson [1(R)->(G)1]   
Patient Care Component Reports [1(R)->(G)1]   

Non-FileMan Globals, Total: 91

^ABMDCODE("B"    ^ABMDCODE("C"    ^ABMDCODE(0    ^ABMDCPT("C"    ^ABMDCPT("D"    ^ABMDERR("AB"    ^ABMDERR(155    ^ABMDERR(175    
^ABMDERR(189    ^ABMDERR(192    ^ABMDERR(48    ^ABMDEXP(1    ^ABMDEXP(11    ^ABMDEXP(14    ^ABMDEXP(18    ^ABMDEXP(2    
^ABMDEXP(20    ^ABMDEXP(25    ^ABMDEXP(26    ^ABMDEXP(27    ^ABMDEXP(28    ^ABMDEXP(29    ^ABMDEXP(3    ^ABMDEXP(32    
^ABMFTWC    ^ABMMRS    ^ABMMRS1(    ^ABMMRS2    ^ABMMRS3    ^ABMMRS4    ^ABMMRS5    ^ABMMRS99(    
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