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Kernel : VA FileMan

Kernel and VA FileMan Interaction Details


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

protocol O screenman SM broker B event driver Ed print P extended action Ea limited protocol LP edit E server Se subscriber Su inquire I run routine RR action A

Kernel-->VA FileMan :

Total 0 routine(s) in Kernel called total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan
Total 0 Global(s) in Kernel called total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan
Total 15 Global(s) in Kernel called total 20 Global(s) in VA FileMan
Total 0 Package Component(s) in Kernel called total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan
Total 97 routine(s) in Kernel accessed total 48 global(s) in VA FileMan
Total 0 fileman file(s) in Kernel pointed to total 0 fileman file(s) in VA FileMan
Total 0 routine(s) in Kernel accessed via fileman db call to total 0 fileman file(s) in VA FileMan

Globals --> Globals

Caller Global List in Kernel : 15

^%ZIS(1    ^%ZIS(14.6    ^%ZIS(2    ^%ZUA(3.07    ^DIC(16    ^DIC(19    ^DIC(3    ^DIC(4    
^DIC(49    ^DIC(5    ^DIC(6    ^DIC(9.2    ^ORD(101    ^VA(200    ^XUSEC(0    

Called Globals List in VA FileMan : 20

^DD(    ^DD("DD"    ^DD("KWIC"    ^DD(101    ^DD(14.5    ^DD(14.6    ^DD(16    ^DD(19    
^DD(200    ^DD(3    ^DD(3.07    ^DD(3.081    ^DD(3.2    ^DD(3.5    ^DD(4    ^DD(49    
^DD(5    ^DD(6    ^DD(9.2    ^DISV("XU"    

Routines --> Globals

Referred Routines List in Kernel : 97

%ZIS1    %ZIS5    %ZTM5    %ZTMS    %ZTMS3    %ZTMS4    %ZTMS5    %ZTPP    
A4A7166    A4A7B    A4A7B1    A4A7CLUP    A4A7PCH5    A4A7PCH6    XLFNAME3    XLFNENV    
XPDMENU    XPDPROT    XPDTC    XPDUTL1    XPDV    XQ12    XQ21    XQ5    
XQ71    XQ72    XQ72A    XQ82    XQ9    XQOR    XQORC    XQORC8    
XU8343P    XU8343R    XU8375P    XU8P1018    XU8P137    XU8P204    XU8P373    XU8P420    
XU8P43P    XU8P440    XU8P469    XUA4A7    XUA4A72    XUFILE0    XUFILE3    XUINCON    

Referenced Globals List in VA FileMan : 48

^DD(    ^DD("DD"    ^DD("DILOCKTM"    ^DD("ROU"    ^DD("SITE"    ^DD(100    ^DD(101    ^DD(101.01    
^DD(16    ^DD(19    ^DD(20    ^DD(200    ^DD(200.032    ^DD(200.042    ^DD(3    ^DD(3.032    
^DD(3.081    ^DD(3.2    ^DD(3.5    ^DD(3.6    ^DD(4    ^DD(4.014    ^DD(4.042    ^DD(49.01    
^DD(49.02    ^DD(5    ^DD(6.01    ^DD(8932.1    ^DD(8989.3    ^DD(8992    ^DD(9.4    ^DD(9.6    
^DD(9.68    ^DD(9.7    ^DIBT(    ^DIC(20    ^DIC(200    ^DIC(747.25    ^DIC(747.7    ^DIC(8994    
^DIC(9999999.93    ^DIE("B"    ^DIPT("B"    ^DIPT(30    ^DIST(    ^DISV(    ^DISV("XU"    ^DOPT("XPD"    

VA FileMan-->Kernel :

Total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 routine(s) in Kernel
Total 0 Global(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 routine(s) in Kernel
Total 0 Global(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 Global(s) in Kernel
Total 0 Package Component(s) in VA FileMan called total 0 routine(s) in Kernel
Total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan accessed total 0 global(s) in Kernel
Total 0 fileman file(s) in VA FileMan pointed to total 0 fileman file(s) in Kernel
Total 0 routine(s) in VA FileMan accessed via fileman db call to total 0 fileman file(s) in Kernel

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