ABMZWORK ; IHS/ADC/GTH - NEW PROGRAM ; [ 06/26/2001 5:43 PM ]
;;2.4; IHS 3P BILLING SYSTEM;**5**;June 11, 2001
; June 6, 2001
; The RPMS DBA authorizes ABM a one-time inclusion of the following
; subroutine in an ABM patch. The subroutine removes SCREENS on
; fields in the INSURER file which were placed there by AUT*98.1*8.
; This one-time authorization is to eliminate inflicting another
; patch on the field, and depends upon agreement by ABM to use it
; only once, and review and certification by SRCT.
INSDD ;EP - Delete SCREENs from .51/.52/.53 nodes distributed in AUT*98.1*8.
; There are no database calls to edit/delete fields in a dd.
F AUT=.51,.52,.53 D
.KILL ^DD(9999999.18,AUT,12),^(12.1)
.S $P(^DD(9999999.18,AUT,0),"^",2)="P9002274.93'"
.S $P(^DD(9999999.18,AUT,0),"^",4)="5;"_$E(AUT,3)
.S $P(^DD(9999999.18,AUT,0),"^",5,99)="Q"
.S ^DD(9999999.18,AUT,"DT")=DT
ABMZWORK ; IHS/ADC/GTH - NEW PROGRAM ; [ 06/26/2001 5:43 PM ]
+1 ;;2.4; IHS 3P BILLING SYSTEM;**5**;June 11, 2001
+2 ;
+1 ;
+2 ; June 6, 2001
+3 ; The RPMS DBA authorizes ABM a one-time inclusion of the following
+4 ; subroutine in an ABM patch. The subroutine removes SCREENS on
+5 ; fields in the INSURER file which were placed there by AUT*98.1*8.
+6 ; This one-time authorization is to eliminate inflicting another
+7 ; patch on the field, and depends upon agreement by ABM to use it
+8 ; only once, and review and certification by SRCT.
+9 ;
INSDD ;EP - Delete SCREENs from .51/.52/.53 nodes distributed in AUT*98.1*8.
+1 ;
+2 ; There are no database calls to edit/delete fields in a dd.
+3 ;
+5 ;
+6 FOR AUT=.51,.52,.53
Begin DoDot:1
+7 KILL ^DD(9999999.18,AUT,12),^(12.1)
+8 SET $PIECE(^DD(9999999.18,AUT,0),"^",2)="P9002274.93'"
+9 SET $PIECE(^DD(9999999.18,AUT,0),"^",4)="5;"_$EXTRACT(AUT,3)
+10 SET $PIECE(^DD(9999999.18,AUT,0),"^",5,99)="Q"
+11 SET ^DD(9999999.18,AUT,"DT")=DT
End DoDot:1
+12 ;