;;1.0;PHARMACY POINT OF SALE;**3**;JUN 21, 2001;Build 38
;IHS/SD/lwj 10/09/02 NCPDP 5.1 changes
; Needed to adjust the translation of the transaction code
; to account for 5.1 values.
; Lots of $$functions called from other ABSPECP*
; ABSPOS6G calls $$DUR
DUR(X) ;EP - DUR code
I X="DA" Q "Drug-Allergy Alert"
I X="DC" Q "Drug-Disease Conflicts"
I X="DD" Q "Drug-Drug Interactions"
I X="ER" Q "Excessive Utilization"
I X="HD" Q "Excessive Drug Doses (Over Utilization)"
I X="ID" Q "Therapeutic Duplication (Same Ingredients)"
I X="LD" Q "Insufficient Drug Doses (Under Utilization)"
I X="LR" Q "Underuse Precaution (Non-compliance)"
I X="MC" Q "Drug Disease Alert (Drug/diagnosis matching)"
I X="MX" Q "Excessive Duration Alert"
I X="PA" Q "Drug-Age Conflicts"
I X="PG" Q "Drug-Pregnancy Conflicts"
I X="SX" Q "Drug-Gender Alert"
I X="TD" Q "Therapeutic Duplications (Same Drug Class)"
DUR8 I X[" " S X=$P(X," ")_"<sp>"_$P(X," ",2,$L(X)) G DUR8
Q "DUR code "_X_" ? "
OTHPHARM(X) ;EP - Other Pharmacy Indicator (within DUR data)
I X=1 Q "Same Pharmacy"
I X=2 Q "Different Pharmacy Same Chain"
I X=3 Q "Different Pharmacy Different Chain"
OTHPRESC(X) ;EP - Other Prescriber (within DUR data)
I X=1 Q "Same Physician"
I X=2 Q "Different Physician"
TCODE(X) ;EP - Transaction code
;IHS/SD/lwj 10/08/02 NCPDP 5.1 changes
; For 5.1 the transaction code will be either B1 or B2
I X'<1,X'>4 Q X_" prescription claim"_$S(X>1:"s",1:"")
I (X=11)!(X="B2") Q "Claim Reversal" ;IHS/SD/lwj 10/09/02
I X="B1" Q X_" prescription claim" ;IHS/SD/lwj 10/09/02
Q "Unknown transaction code "_X
REIMB(X) ;EP - Basis of reimbursement
I +X=0 Q "Not specified"
I +X=1 Q "Ingredient cost paid as submitted"
I +X=2 Q "Ingredient cost reduced to AWP pricing"
I +X=3 Q "Ingredient cost reduced to AWP less %"
I +X=4 Q "Usual and Customary paid as submitted"
I +X=5 Q "Paid lower of ingredient cost plus fees versus usual and customary"
I +X=6 Q "MAC Pricing - Ingredient cost paid at MAC price"
I +X=7 Q "MAC Pricing - Ingredient cost reduced to MAC pricing"
I +X=8 Q "Contract Pricing"
DAW(X) ;EP -
I X=0 Q "No product selection indicated."
I X=1 Q "Substitution not allowed by prescriber."
I X=2 Q "Substitution allowed - patient requested product dispensed."
I X=3 Q "Substitution allowed - pharmacist selected product dispensed."
I X=4 Q "Substitution allowed - generic not in stock."
I X=5 Q "Substitution allowed - brand dispensed as generic."
I X=6 Q "Override"
I X=7 Q "Substitution not allowed - brand drug mandated by law."
I X=8 Q "Substitution allowed - generic drug not available in marketplace."
I X=9 Q "Unspecified"
+1 ;;1.0;PHARMACY POINT OF SALE;**3**;JUN 21, 2001;Build 38
+2 ;
+3 ;---------------------------------
+4 ;IHS/SD/lwj 10/09/02 NCPDP 5.1 changes
+5 ; Needed to adjust the translation of the transaction code
+6 ; to account for 5.1 values.
+7 ;
+8 ;---------------------------------
+9 ;
+10 QUIT
+11 ; Lots of $$functions called from other ABSPECP*
+12 ; ABSPOS6G calls $$DUR
+13 ;
DUR(X) ;EP - DUR code
+1 IF X="DA"
QUIT "Drug-Allergy Alert"
+2 IF X="DC"
QUIT "Drug-Disease Conflicts"
+3 IF X="DD"
QUIT "Drug-Drug Interactions"
+4 IF X="ER"
QUIT "Excessive Utilization"
+5 IF X="HD"
QUIT "Excessive Drug Doses (Over Utilization)"
+6 IF X="ID"
QUIT "Therapeutic Duplication (Same Ingredients)"
+7 IF X="LD"
QUIT "Insufficient Drug Doses (Under Utilization)"
+8 IF X="LR"
QUIT "Underuse Precaution (Non-compliance)"
+9 IF X="MC"
QUIT "Drug Disease Alert (Drug/diagnosis matching)"
+10 IF X="MX"
QUIT "Excessive Duration Alert"
+11 IF X="PA"
QUIT "Drug-Age Conflicts"
+12 IF X="PG"
QUIT "Drug-Pregnancy Conflicts"
+13 IF X="SX"
QUIT "Drug-Gender Alert"
+14 IF X="TD"
QUIT "Therapeutic Duplications (Same Drug Class)"
DUR8 IF X[" "
SET X=$PIECE(X," ")_"<sp>"_$PIECE(X," ",2,$LENGTH(X))
+1 QUIT "DUR code "_X_" ? "
OTHPHARM(X) ;EP - Other Pharmacy Indicator (within DUR data)
+1 IF X=1
QUIT "Same Pharmacy"
+2 IF X=2
QUIT "Different Pharmacy Same Chain"
+3 IF X=3
QUIT "Different Pharmacy Different Chain"
OTHPRESC(X) ;EP - Other Prescriber (within DUR data)
+1 IF X=1
QUIT "Same Physician"
+2 IF X=2
QUIT "Different Physician"
TCODE(X) ;EP - Transaction code
+1 ;-----------------------------------------
+2 ;IHS/SD/lwj 10/08/02 NCPDP 5.1 changes
+3 ; For 5.1 the transaction code will be either B1 or B2
+4 ;-----------------------------------------
+5 IF X'<1
IF X'>4
QUIT X_" prescription claim"_$SELECT(X>1:"s",1:"")
+6 ;IHS/SD/lwj 10/09/02
IF (X=11)!(X="B2")
QUIT "Claim Reversal"
+7 ;IHS/SD/lwj 10/09/02
IF X="B1"
QUIT X_" prescription claim"
+8 QUIT "Unknown transaction code "_X
REIMB(X) ;EP - Basis of reimbursement
+1 IF +X=0
QUIT "Not specified"
+2 IF +X=1
QUIT "Ingredient cost paid as submitted"
+3 IF +X=2
QUIT "Ingredient cost reduced to AWP pricing"
+4 IF +X=3
QUIT "Ingredient cost reduced to AWP less %"
+5 IF +X=4
QUIT "Usual and Customary paid as submitted"
+6 IF +X=5
QUIT "Paid lower of ingredient cost plus fees versus usual and customary"
+7 IF +X=6
QUIT "MAC Pricing - Ingredient cost paid at MAC price"
+8 IF +X=7
QUIT "MAC Pricing - Ingredient cost reduced to MAC pricing"
+9 IF +X=8
QUIT "Contract Pricing"
+10 QUIT X
DAW(X) ;EP -
+1 IF X=0
QUIT "No product selection indicated."
+2 IF X=1
QUIT "Substitution not allowed by prescriber."
+3 IF X=2
QUIT "Substitution allowed - patient requested product dispensed."
+4 IF X=3
QUIT "Substitution allowed - pharmacist selected product dispensed."
+5 IF X=4
QUIT "Substitution allowed - generic not in stock."
+6 IF X=5
QUIT "Substitution allowed - brand dispensed as generic."
+7 IF X=6
QUIT "Override"
+8 IF X=7
QUIT "Substitution not allowed - brand drug mandated by law."
+9 IF X=8
QUIT "Substitution allowed - generic drug not available in marketplace."
+10 IF X=9
QUIT "Unspecified"
+11 QUIT X