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  1. ACHSYPQM ; IHS/ITSC/PMF - MOVE OLD PRINT QUEUE ; [ 10/16/2001 8:16 AM ]
  1. ;
  1. ; In version of CHS prior to 1.6, the document print queue was kept
  1. ; in the ^%ZTSK global. This utility move the queue from the ^%ZTSK
  1. ; global to the new location at ^ACHSF("PQ".
  1. ;
  1. ; This was part of the post-init for version 1.6 and 2.0.
  1. ;
  1. ; You probably don't need to run this, but it can't hurt.
  1. ;
  1. W !,$$C^XBFUNC("Checking old document print q.")
  1. X ^%ZOSF("UCI")
  1. I '$D(^%ZTSK(Y,"ACHQ")) W !,$$C^XBFUNC("Nothing there. Previously converted.") G END2
  1. W !,$$C^XBFUNC("Transferring Document print Q from %ZTSK to ACHSF('PQ')")
  1. ;
  1. ; L=Location, S=TypeOfSvc, D=DocIEN, T=TransIEN
  1. ;
  1. S L=""
  1. L1 ;
  1. S L=$O(^%ZTSK(Y,"ACHQ",L))
  1. G END1:L=""
  1. S S=""
  1. L2 ;
  1. S S=$O(^%ZTSK(Y,"ACHQ",L,S))
  1. G L1:S=""
  1. S %=""
  1. L3 ;
  1. S %=$O(^%ZTSK(Y,"ACHQ",L,S,%))
  1. G L2:%=""
  1. S D=$P(^%ZTSK(Y,"ACHQ",L,S,%),U),T=$P(^(%),U,2),^ACHSF("PQ",L,S,D,T)=""
  1. W "."
  1. G L3
  1. END1 ;
  1. W !,$$C^XBFUNC("Print Q Transferred.")
  1. K ^%ZTSK(Y) ; Old global node
  1. END2 ;
  1. K L,D,T,S,Y
  1. K ^TMP("ACHSYPQM",$J)
  1. Q
  1. ;