Prompt: !!?4,"********** No ",$S(ACMTTAT="A":" ACTIVE",1:"INACTIVE")," Problems in PCC file for this Patient **********",!?4,"(To update the PCC problem list use PCC encounter form.)",!
Line Location: COMMON+1
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!?4,"********** No ",$S(ACMTTAT="A":" ACTIVE",1:"INACTIVE")," Problems in PCC file for this Patient **********",!?4,"(To update the PCC problem list use PCC encounter form.)",!
Line Location: COMMON+5
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!?4,"****************"_$S(ACMTTAT="A":" ACTIVE ",1:" INACTIVE ")_"PCC PROBLEMS AND NOTES *********************",!?4,"(To update PCC problem list use PCC encounter form.)",!