ADE6P171 ;IHS/OIT/ENM - ADE6.0 PATCH 17 [ 02/27/2007 8:37 AM ]
;;6.0;ADE;**17**;JUL 28, 2005
D UPDATE^ADEUPD7(9999999.31,".01,.05,501,.06,,.02,8801,.09",1101,"?+1,","ADDADA^ADE6P171","SETX^ADE6P171")
S ADEN=$P($P(ADEX,U),"D",2),$P(ADEX,U)=ADEN,$P(ADEX,U,6)=$TR($P(ADEX,U,6),"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
;;D0145^3^0.70^ORAL EVAL <3^94^oral evaluation for a patient under three years of age and counseling with primary caregiver^EXU3^n
;;Diagnostic and preventive services performed for a child under the age of three,
;;preferably within the first six months of the eruption of the first primary tooth,
;;including recording the oral and physical health history, evaluation of caries
;;susceptibility, development of an appropriate preventive oral health regimen
;;and communication with and counseling of the childs parent, legal guardian
;;and/or primary caregiver.
;;D0273^3^0.79^BITE WINGS 3^23^bitewings - three films^BW3^n
;;D0360^5^10.00^CONE BEAM^40^cone beam ct - craniofacial data capture^CB^n
;;Includes axial, coronal and sagittal data.
;;D0362^5^12.00^CONE BEAM 2D^94^cone beam two-dimensional image reconstruction using existing data, includes multiple images^CB2D^n
;;D0363^5^12.50^CONE BEAM 3D^96^cone beam three-dimensional image reconstruction using existing data, includes multiple images^CB3D^n
;;D0486^9^0.00^BRUSH BIOPSY^105^accession of brush biopsy sample, microscopic examination, preparation and transmission of written report^BBS^n
;;To be used in reporting transepithelial, disaggregated cell samples by brush
;;biopsy technique.
;;D1206^2^0.80^TOP FL VARNISH^91^topical fluoride varnish; therapeutic application for moderate to high caries risk patients^FVAR^n
;;Application of topical fluoride varnish, delivered in a single visit and
;;involving the entire oral cavity. Not to be used for desensitization.
;;D1555^3^0.50^REM SP MAINT^33^removal of fixed space maintainer^REFSM^
;;Procedure delivered by dentist who did not originally place the appliance,
;;or by the practice where the appliance was originally delivered to the patient.
;;D2970^1^3.85^TEMP CROWN^33^temporary crown (fractured tooth)^TC^
;;Usually a preformed artificial crown, which is fitted over a damaged tooth as
;;an immediate protective device. This is not to be used as temporization during
;;crown fabrication.
;;D4230^5^12.50^CROWN EXP 4+^70^anatomical crown exposure - four or more contiguous teeth per quadrant^CREX4+^
;;This procedure is utilized in an otherwise periodontally healthy area to remove
;;enlarged gingival tissue and supporting bone (ostectomy) to provide an anatomically
;;correct gingival relationship.
;;D4231^5^10.50^CROWN EXP 1-3^59^anatomical crown exposure - one to three teeth per quadrant^CREX1-3^
;;This procedure is utilized in an otherwise periodontally healthy area to remove
;;enlarged gingival tissue and supporting bone (ostectomy) to provide an anatomically
;;correct gingival relationship.
;;D6012^5^36.85^ENDOSTEAL IMP^89^surgical placement of interim implant body for transitional prosthesis: endosteal implant^PLINIMP^
;;Includes removal during later therapy to accommodate the definitive restoration, which may include placement of other implants.
;;D6091^5^9.94^REP ATTACH^137^replacement of semi-precision or precision attachment (male or female component) of implant/abutment supported prosthesis, per attachment^REATT^
;;This procedure applies to the replaceable male or female component of the attachment
;;D6092^1^1.43^RECEM CROWN^41^recement implant/abutment supported crown^RECIMCR^
;;D6093^1^1.92^RECEM FPD^56^recement implant/abutment supported fixed partial denture^REIMFPD^
;;D7292^5^36.85^PLATE W/FLAP^93^surgical placement: temporary anchorage device [screw retained plate] requiring surgical flap^PLWFLAP^n
;;Insertion of a temporary skeletal anchorage device that is attached to the bone
;;by screws and requires a surgical flap. Includes device removal.
;;D7293^5^25.85^ANCHOR W/FLAP^70^surgical placement: temporary anchorage device requiring surgical flap^ANCWFLAP^n
;;Insertion of a device for temporary skeletal anchorage when a surgical flap is
;;required. Includes device removal.
;;D7294^5^14.75^ANCHOR W/O FLAP^69^surgical placement: temporary anchorage device without surgical flap^ANCWOFLAP^n
;;Insertion of a device for temporary skeletal anchorage when a surgical flap
;;is not required. Includes device removal.
;;D7951^5^30.51^SINUS AUGMENT^48^sinus augmentation with bone or bone substitutes^SIAUGWBONE^n
;;The augmentation of the sinus cavity to increase alveolar height for reconstruction
;;of edentulous portions of the maxilla. This includes obtaining the bone or
;;bone substitutes. Placement of a barrier membrane, if used, should be reported separately.
;;D7998^5^35.17^FIX DEVICE^75^intraoral placement of a fixation device not in conjunction with a fracture^IMFWOFX^n
;;The placement of intermaxillary fixation appliance for documented medically
;;accepted treatments not in association with fractures.
;;D8693^1^3.63^RECEM RET^72^rebonding or recementing; and/or repair, as required, of fixed retainers^RECRET^
;;D9120^4^3.83^SECTION FPD^32^fixed partial denture sectioning^SECFPD^
;;Separation of one or more connections between abutments and/or pontics when
;;some portion of a fixed prosthesis is to remain intact and serviceable following
;;sectioning and extraction or other treatment. Includes all recontouring and
;;polishing of retained portions.
;;D9612^1^0.96^THER DRUG 2+^80^therapeutic parenteral drugs, two or more administrations, different medications^TPD2+^n
;;Includes multiple administrations of antibiotics, steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs
;;or other therapeutic medications. This code should not be used to report
;;administration of sedatives, anesthetic or reversal agents. This code should
;;be reported when two or more different medications are necessary and should
;;not be reported in addition to code D9610 on the same date.
ADE6P171 ;IHS/OIT/ENM - ADE6.0 PATCH 17 [ 02/27/2007 8:37 AM ]
+1 ;;6.0;ADE;**17**;JUL 28, 2005
+2 ;
+1 DO UPDATE^ADEUPD7(9999999.31,".01,.05,501,.06,,.02,8801,.09",1101,"?+1,","ADDADA^ADE6P171","SETX^ADE6P171")
+3 ;
+3 ;
+1 ;;D0145^3^0.70^ORAL EVAL <3^94^oral evaluation for a patient under three years of age and counseling with primary caregiver^EXU3^n
+2 ;;Diagnostic and preventive services performed for a child under the age of three,
+3 ;;preferably within the first six months of the eruption of the first primary tooth,
+4 ;;including recording the oral and physical health history, evaluation of caries
+5 ;;susceptibility, development of an appropriate preventive oral health regimen
+6 ;;and communication with and counseling of the childs parent, legal guardian
+7 ;;and/or primary caregiver.
+8 ;;D0273^3^0.79^BITE WINGS 3^23^bitewings - three films^BW3^n
+9 ;;D0360^5^10.00^CONE BEAM^40^cone beam ct - craniofacial data capture^CB^n
+10 ;;Includes axial, coronal and sagittal data.
+11 ;;D0362^5^12.00^CONE BEAM 2D^94^cone beam two-dimensional image reconstruction using existing data, includes multiple images^CB2D^n
+12 ;;D0363^5^12.50^CONE BEAM 3D^96^cone beam three-dimensional image reconstruction using existing data, includes multiple images^CB3D^n
+13 ;;D0486^9^0.00^BRUSH BIOPSY^105^accession of brush biopsy sample, microscopic examination, preparation and transmission of written report^BBS^n
+14 ;;To be used in reporting transepithelial, disaggregated cell samples by brush
+15 ;;biopsy technique.
+16 ;;D1206^2^0.80^TOP FL VARNISH^91^topical fluoride varnish; therapeutic application for moderate to high caries risk patients^FVAR^n
+17 ;;Application of topical fluoride varnish, delivered in a single visit and
+18 ;;involving the entire oral cavity. Not to be used for desensitization.
+19 ;;D1555^3^0.50^REM SP MAINT^33^removal of fixed space maintainer^REFSM^
+20 ;;Procedure delivered by dentist who did not originally place the appliance,
+21 ;;or by the practice where the appliance was originally delivered to the patient.
+22 ;;D2970^1^3.85^TEMP CROWN^33^temporary crown (fractured tooth)^TC^
+23 ;;Usually a preformed artificial crown, which is fitted over a damaged tooth as
+24 ;;an immediate protective device. This is not to be used as temporization during
+25 ;;crown fabrication.
+26 ;;D4230^5^12.50^CROWN EXP 4+^70^anatomical crown exposure - four or more contiguous teeth per quadrant^CREX4+^
+27 ;;This procedure is utilized in an otherwise periodontally healthy area to remove
+28 ;;enlarged gingival tissue and supporting bone (ostectomy) to provide an anatomically
+29 ;;correct gingival relationship.
+30 ;;D4231^5^10.50^CROWN EXP 1-3^59^anatomical crown exposure - one to three teeth per quadrant^CREX1-3^
+31 ;;This procedure is utilized in an otherwise periodontally healthy area to remove
+32 ;;enlarged gingival tissue and supporting bone (ostectomy) to provide an anatomically
+33 ;;correct gingival relationship.
+34 ;;D6012^5^36.85^ENDOSTEAL IMP^89^surgical placement of interim implant body for transitional prosthesis: endosteal implant^PLINIMP^
+35 ;;Includes removal during later therapy to accommodate the definitive restoration, which may include placement of other implants.
+36 ;;D6091^5^9.94^REP ATTACH^137^replacement of semi-precision or precision attachment (male or female component) of implant/abutment supported prosthesis, per attachment^REATT^
+37 ;;This procedure applies to the replaceable male or female component of the attachment
+38 ;;D6092^1^1.43^RECEM CROWN^41^recement implant/abutment supported crown^RECIMCR^
+39 ;;D6093^1^1.92^RECEM FPD^56^recement implant/abutment supported fixed partial denture^REIMFPD^
+40 ;;D7292^5^36.85^PLATE W/FLAP^93^surgical placement: temporary anchorage device [screw retained plate] requiring surgical flap^PLWFLAP^n
+41 ;;Insertion of a temporary skeletal anchorage device that is attached to the bone
+42 ;;by screws and requires a surgical flap. Includes device removal.
+43 ;;D7293^5^25.85^ANCHOR W/FLAP^70^surgical placement: temporary anchorage device requiring surgical flap^ANCWFLAP^n
+44 ;;Insertion of a device for temporary skeletal anchorage when a surgical flap is
+45 ;;required. Includes device removal.
+46 ;;D7294^5^14.75^ANCHOR W/O FLAP^69^surgical placement: temporary anchorage device without surgical flap^ANCWOFLAP^n
+47 ;;Insertion of a device for temporary skeletal anchorage when a surgical flap
+48 ;;is not required. Includes device removal.
+49 ;;D7951^5^30.51^SINUS AUGMENT^48^sinus augmentation with bone or bone substitutes^SIAUGWBONE^n
+50 ;;The augmentation of the sinus cavity to increase alveolar height for reconstruction
+51 ;;of edentulous portions of the maxilla. This includes obtaining the bone or
+52 ;;bone substitutes. Placement of a barrier membrane, if used, should be reported separately.
+53 ;;D7998^5^35.17^FIX DEVICE^75^intraoral placement of a fixation device not in conjunction with a fracture^IMFWOFX^n
+54 ;;The placement of intermaxillary fixation appliance for documented medically
+55 ;;accepted treatments not in association with fractures.
+56 ;;D8693^1^3.63^RECEM RET^72^rebonding or recementing; and/or repair, as required, of fixed retainers^RECRET^
+57 ;;D9120^4^3.83^SECTION FPD^32^fixed partial denture sectioning^SECFPD^
+58 ;;Separation of one or more connections between abutments and/or pontics when
+59 ;;some portion of a fixed prosthesis is to remain intact and serviceable following
+60 ;;sectioning and extraction or other treatment. Includes all recontouring and
+61 ;;polishing of retained portions.
+62 ;;D9612^1^0.96^THER DRUG 2+^80^therapeutic parenteral drugs, two or more administrations, different medications^TPD2+^n
+63 ;;Includes multiple administrations of antibiotics, steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs
+64 ;;or other therapeutic medications. This code should not be used to report
+65 ;;administration of sedatives, anesthetic or reversal agents. This code should
+66 ;;be reported when two or more different medications are necessary and should
+67 ;;not be reported in addition to code D9610 on the same date.
+68 ;;***END***