AEFIN002 ; ; 27-FEB-2004
;;1.0;ANNETEST;;FEB 27, 2004
Q:'DIFQR(1991212) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
;;=AEF EMPLOYEE^1991212I^34^34
;;=This is a nice lady. She is married and lives with her husband and
;;=3 cats.
;;=123 Wherever Ave^3^1;DIZ(1991214,
;;=This man has lived in Phoenix most of his life. He looks forward to
;;=retiring soon and expects to travel the country, boldly going where no
;;=man has gone before.
;;=989 West Bananaboat Circle^3^4;DIZ(1991214,
;;=PILL PUSHER^9898989
;;=This is a test to see how the COMMENTS field works.
;;=1432 Sleepy Hollow Road^11
;;=Enjoys small town life in the Colorado Rockies. She is an excellent
;;=artist specializing in colored pencil and watercolor.
;;=111 7th Street^6
;;=Michael is a very likeable young man. He is very tall coming in at
;;=6'4". He is very knowledgable in the area of aviation.
;;=546 Spring Flower Trail^3^4;DIZ(1991214,
;;=1554 Aztec Road^3^4;DIZ(1991214,
;;=This employee has been with us for many years. He is a very valuable
;;=asset to the company.
;;=444 April Shower Lane^5^2;DIZ(1991216,
;;=Jim is a very hard worker and our company would be hard-pressed to
;;=replace him. We should pay him more.
;;=678 Honeysuckle Lane^5^1;DIZ(1991214,
;;=Martha came to us from our parent organization. She has possesses
;;=valuable skills needed by our branch office. We should pay her more
;;=money too.
;;=7890 Maple Dr.^29^2;DIZ(1991216,
;;=Jerry is one of our younger employees. He shows great potential and
;;=should advance quickly.
;;=9887 Waterlily Dr.^29^1;DIZ(1991214,
;;=June shows a great aptitude for working with numbers and is always bright
;;=and cheery. She frequently comes in early and works late.
;;=8742 Mockingbird Lane^29^1;DIZ(1991216,
;;=This employee is one of our company's greatest assets. She deserves a
;;=pay raise and a big promotion.
;;=678 Bluebird Road^3^1;DIZ(1991214,
;;=JUNIOR CEO^89009
;;=Jenn is new to our company having started just under a year ago. She is
;;=a fast learner and I believe she will fit in fine.
;;=8900 8th St^3^1;DIZ(1991214,