AUM31A ;IHS/ASDST/DMJ,SDR,GTH - ICD 9 E CODES FOR FY 2003 ; [ 01/29/2002 4:01 PM ]
;;040.82^TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME^Toxic shock syndrome^^18^423
;;066.4^WEST NILE FEVER^West Nile fever^^18^421,422
;;277.02^CYSTIC FIBROSIS W PULMONARY MA^Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations^^4^79,80,81
;;277.03^CYSTIC FIBROSIS W GI MANIFES^Cystic fibrosis with gastrointestinal manifestations^^6^188,189,190
;;277.09^CYSTIC FIBROSIS W OTHER MANIF^Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations^^10^296,297,298
;;357.81^CHRONIC INFLAM DEMYEL POLYNEU^Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis^^1^18,19
;;357.82^CRITICAL ILLNESS POLYNEUROPAT^Critical illness polyneuropathy^^1^18,19
;;357.89^OTHER INFLAM/TOXIC NEUROPATHY^Other inflammatory and toxic neuropathy^^1^18,19
;;359.81^CRITICAL ILLNESS MYOPATHY^Critical illness myopathy^^1^34,35
;;359.89^OTHER MYOPATHIES^Other myopathies^^1^34,35
;;365.83^AQUEOUS MISDIRECTION^Aqueous misdirection^^2^46,47,48
;;414.06^CORON/ATHEROSCL TRANSPLANT^Coronary atherosclerosis of coronary artery of transplanted heart^^5^132,133
;;414.12^DISSECTION OF CORONARY ARTERY^Dissection of coronary artery^^5^121,144,145
;;428.20^UNSPEC SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Unspecified systolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.21^ACUTE SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Acute systolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.22^CHRONIC SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Chronic systolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.23^ACUTE ON CHRONIC SYSTOL HEART^Acute on chronic systolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.30^UNSPEC DIASTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Unspecified diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.31^ACUTE DIASTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Acute diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.32^CHRONIC DIASTOLIC HEART FAIL^Chronic diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.33^ACUT ON CHR DIASTOLIC HEART^Acute on chronic diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.40^UNSPEC SYSTOLI/DIASTOLI HEART^Unspecified combined systolic and diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.41^ACUTE SYSTOL/DIASTOLIC HEART^Acute combined systolic and diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.42^CHRONIC SYSTOL/DIASTOLIC HEART^Chronic combined systolic and diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;428.43^ACUTE/CHRON SYSTOL/DIASTOLIC^Acute on chronic combined systolic and diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
;;438.6^ALTERATIONS OF SENSATIONS^Alterations of sensations^^1^12
;;438.7^DISTURBANCES OF VISION^Disturbances of vision^^1^12
;;438.83^FACIAL WEAKNESS^Facial weakness^^1^12
;;443.21^DISSECTION OF CAROTID ARTERY^Dissection of carotid artery^^5^130,131
;;443.22^DISSECTION OF ILIAC ARTERY^Dissection of iliac artery^^5^130,131
;;443.23^DISSECTION OF RENAL ARTERY^Dissection of renal artery^^11^331,332,333
;;443.24^DISSECTION OF VERTEBRAL ARTERY^Dissection of vertebral artery^^5^130,131
;;443.29^DISSECTION OF OTHER ARTERY^Dissection of other artery^^5^130,131
;;445.01^ATHEROEMBOLISM, UPPER EXTREMI^Atheroembolism, upper extremity^^5^130,131
;;445.02^ATHEROEMBOLISM, LOWER EXTREM^Atheroembolism, lower extremity^^5^130,131
;;445.81^ATHEROEMBOLISM, KIDNEY^Atheroembolism, kidney^^11^331,332,333
;;445.89^ATHEROEMBOLISM, OTHER SITE^Atheroembolism, other site^^5^130,131
;;454.8^VARICOSE VEINS W OTHER COMPLI^Varicose veins of the lower extremities, with other complications ^^5^130,131
;;459.10^POSTPHLEBETIC W/O COMPLICAT^Postphlebetic syndrome without complications^^5^130,131
;;459.11^POSTPHLEBETIC WITH ULCER^Postphlebetic syndrome with ulcer^^5^130,131
;;459.12^POSTPHLEBETIC W INFLAMMATION^Postphlebetic syndrome with inflammation^^5^130,131
;;459.13^POSTPHLEBETIC W ULCER/INFLAM^Postphlebetic syndrome with ulcer and inflammation^^5^130,131
;;459.19^POSTPHLEBETIC W OTHER COMPLIC^Postphlebetic syndrome with other complication^^5^130,131
;;459.30^CHRONIC VEN HYPERTEN W/O COMP^Chronic venous hypertension without complications^^5^130,131
;;459.31^CHRONIC VENOUS HTN W ULCER^Chronic venous hypertension with ulcer^^5^130,131
;;459.32^CHRONIC VENOUS HTN W INFLAM^Chronic venous hypertension with inflammation^^5^130,131
;;459.33^CHRON VEN HTN W ULCER/INFLAM^Chronic venous hypertension with ulcer and inflammation^^5^130,131
;;459.39^CHRON VEN HTN W OTHER COMPLI^Chronic venous hypertension with other complication^^5^130,131
;;537.84^DIELULAFOY OF STOMACH/DUODEN^Dielulafoy lesion hemorrhagic) of stomach and duodenum^^6^174,175
;;569.86^DIELULAFOY LESION OF INTESTINE^Dieulafoy lesion (hemorrhagic) of intestine^^6^188,189,190
;;633.00^ABDOMI PREG W/O INTRAUTER PREG^Abdominal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;633.01^ABDOMI PREG W INTRAUTER PREG^Abdominal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;633.10^TUBAL PREG W/O INTRAUTER PREG^Tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;633.11^TUBAL PREG WITH INTRAUTER PREG^Tubal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;633.20^OVARIAN PREG W/O INTRAU PREG^Ovarian pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;633.21^OVARIAN PREG WITH INTRAU PREG^Ovarian pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;633.80^ECTOPIC PREG W/O INTRAU PREG^Other ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;633.81^ECTOPIC PREG WITH INTRAU PREG^Other ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;633.90^UNSPEC ECTO PREG W/O INTR PREG^Unspecified ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;633.91^UNSPEC ECTOP PREG W INTRA PREG^Unspecified ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
;;747.83^PERSISTENT FETAL CIRCULATION^Persistent fetal circulation^^15^387,389
;;765.20^UNSPEC WEEKS OF GESTATION^Unspecified weeks of gestation^^15^391
;;765.21^LESS THAN 24 WKS OF GESTATION^Less than 24 completed weeks of gestation^^15^386
;;765.22^24 COMPLETED WEEKS GESTATION^24 completed weeks of gestation^^15^386
;;765.23^25-26 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^25-26 completed weeks of gestation^^15^386
;;765.24^27-28 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^27-28 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
;;765.25^29-30 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^29-30 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
;;765.26^31-32 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^31-32 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
;;765.27^33-34 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^33-34 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
;;765.28^35-36 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^35-36 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
;;765.29^37 OR MORE WEEKS OF GESTATION^37 or more completed weeks of gestation^^15^391
;;770.81^PRIMARY APNEA OF NEWBORN^Primary apnea of newborn^^15^390
;;770.82^OTHER APNEA OF NEWBORN^Other apnea of newborn^^15^390
;;770.83^CYANOTIC ATTACKS OF NEWBORN^Cyanotic attacks of newborn^^15^390
;;770.84^RESPIRATORY FAILURE NEWBORN^Respiratory failure of newborn^^15^387,389
;;770.89^OTHER RESPIR PROB AFTER BIRTH^Other respiratory problems after birth^^15^390
;;771.81^SEPTICEMIA OF NEWBORN^Septicemia [sepsis] of newborn^^15^387,389
;;771.82^URINARY TRACT INFECT NEWBORN^Urinary tract infection of newborn^^15^387,389
;;771.83^BACTEREMIA OF NEWBORN^Bacteremia of newborn^^15^387,389
;;771.89^INFECT SPEC PERINATAL PERIOD^Other infections specific to the perinatal period^^15^387,389
;;779.81^NEONATAL BRADYCARDIA^Neonatal bradycardia^^15^390
;;779.82^NEONATAL TACHYCARDIA^Neonatal tachycardia^^15^390
;;779.89^OTH SPEC COND PERINATAL PERIOD^Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period^^15^390
;;780.91^FUSSY INFANT^Fussy infant (baby)^^23^463,464
;;780.92^EXCESSIVE CRYING OF INFANT^Excessive crying of infant (baby)^^23^463,464
;;780.99^OTHER GENERAL SYMPTOMS^Other general symptoms^^23^463,464
;;781.93^OCULAR TORTICOLLIS^Ocular torticollis^^8^243
;;795.00^NONSPEC ABNORMAL PAP SMEAR^Nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of cervix, unspecified^Female^13^358,359,369
;;795.01^ATYP SQUAM CELL BENIGN ASCUS^Atypical squamous cell changes of undetermined significance favor benign (ASCUS favor benign)^^13^358,359,369
;;795.02^ATYP SQUAM CELL DYSPLASIA ASC^Atypical squamous cell changes of undetermined significance favor dysplasia (ASCUS favor dysplasia)^^13^358,359,369
;;795.09^OTH NONSPEC ABN PAP SMEAR CERV^Other nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of cervix^^13^358,359,369
;;795.31^NONSPEC POSITIVE ANTHRAX^Nonspecific positive findings for anthrax^^18^423
;;795.39^OTH NONSPEC CULTURE FINDINGS^Other nonspecific positive culture findings^^18^423
;;813.45^TORUS FRACTURE OF RADIUS^Torus fracture of radius^^8^250,251,252
;;823.40^TORUS FRACTURE TIBIA^Torus fracture, tibia alone^^8^253,254,255
;;823.41^TORUS FRACTURE FIBULA^Torus fracture, fibula alone^^8^253,254,255
;;823.42^TORUS FX FIBULA WITH TIBIA^Torus fracture, fibula with tibia^^8^253,254,255
;;995.90^SYSTEMIC INFLAM SYNDROME^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, unspecified^^18^416,417
;;995.91^SYS INFLAM INFECT W/O ORGAN^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, due to infectious process without organ dysfunction^^18^416,417
;;995.92^SYS INFLAM INFECT WITH ORGAN^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, due to infectious process with organ dysfunction^^18^416,417
;;995.93^SYS INFLAM NON-INFECT W/O ORG^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, due to non-infectious process without organ dysfunction^^18^416,417
;;995.94^SYS INFLAM NON-INFECT W ORG^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, due to non-infectious process with organ dysfunction^^18^416,417
;;998.31^DISRUPTION INTERNAL OP WOUND^Disruption of internal operation wound^^21^452,453
;;998.32^DISRUPTION EXTERNAL OP WOUND^Disruption of external operation wound^^21^452,453
S U="^"
W !," CODE",?10,"DIAGNOSIS",!?10,"DESCRIPTION",!," -----",?10,"-----------"
F X=1:1 S Y=$P($T(ICD9NEW+X),";",3),P2=$P(Y,U,2),P3=$P(Y,U,3) Q:Y="END" W !," ",$P(Y,U,1),?10,$S($L(P3):P3,1:P2),!?10,P2
AUM31A ;IHS/ASDST/DMJ,SDR,GTH - ICD 9 E CODES FOR FY 2003 ; [ 01/29/2002 4:01 PM ]
+1 ;;03.1;TABLE MAINTENANCE;;SEP 28,2001
+2 ;
+1 ;;040.82^TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME^Toxic shock syndrome^^18^423
+2 ;;066.4^WEST NILE FEVER^West Nile fever^^18^421,422
+3 ;;277.02^CYSTIC FIBROSIS W PULMONARY MA^Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations^^4^79,80,81
+4 ;;277.03^CYSTIC FIBROSIS W GI MANIFES^Cystic fibrosis with gastrointestinal manifestations^^6^188,189,190
+5 ;;277.09^CYSTIC FIBROSIS W OTHER MANIF^Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations^^10^296,297,298
+6 ;;357.81^CHRONIC INFLAM DEMYEL POLYNEU^Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis^^1^18,19
+7 ;;357.82^CRITICAL ILLNESS POLYNEUROPAT^Critical illness polyneuropathy^^1^18,19
+8 ;;357.89^OTHER INFLAM/TOXIC NEUROPATHY^Other inflammatory and toxic neuropathy^^1^18,19
+9 ;;359.81^CRITICAL ILLNESS MYOPATHY^Critical illness myopathy^^1^34,35
+10 ;;359.89^OTHER MYOPATHIES^Other myopathies^^1^34,35
+11 ;;365.83^AQUEOUS MISDIRECTION^Aqueous misdirection^^2^46,47,48
+12 ;;414.06^CORON/ATHEROSCL TRANSPLANT^Coronary atherosclerosis of coronary artery of transplanted heart^^5^132,133
+13 ;;414.12^DISSECTION OF CORONARY ARTERY^Dissection of coronary artery^^5^121,144,145
+14 ;;428.20^UNSPEC SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Unspecified systolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+15 ;;428.21^ACUTE SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Acute systolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+16 ;;428.22^CHRONIC SYSTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Chronic systolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+17 ;;428.23^ACUTE ON CHRONIC SYSTOL HEART^Acute on chronic systolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+18 ;;428.30^UNSPEC DIASTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Unspecified diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+19 ;;428.31^ACUTE DIASTOLIC HEART FAILURE^Acute diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+20 ;;428.32^CHRONIC DIASTOLIC HEART FAIL^Chronic diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+21 ;;428.33^ACUT ON CHR DIASTOLIC HEART^Acute on chronic diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+22 ;;428.40^UNSPEC SYSTOLI/DIASTOLI HEART^Unspecified combined systolic and diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+23 ;;428.41^ACUTE SYSTOL/DIASTOLIC HEART^Acute combined systolic and diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+24 ;;428.42^CHRONIC SYSTOL/DIASTOLIC HEART^Chronic combined systolic and diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+25 ;;428.43^ACUTE/CHRON SYSTOL/DIASTOLIC^Acute on chronic combined systolic and diastolic heart failure^^5^115,121,124,127
+26 ;;438.6^ALTERATIONS OF SENSATIONS^Alterations of sensations^^1^12
+27 ;;438.7^DISTURBANCES OF VISION^Disturbances of vision^^1^12
+28 ;;438.83^FACIAL WEAKNESS^Facial weakness^^1^12
+29 ;;438.84^ATAXIA^Ataxia^^1^12
+30 ;;438.85^VERTIGO^Vertigo^^1^12
+31 ;;443.21^DISSECTION OF CAROTID ARTERY^Dissection of carotid artery^^5^130,131
+32 ;;443.22^DISSECTION OF ILIAC ARTERY^Dissection of iliac artery^^5^130,131
+33 ;;443.23^DISSECTION OF RENAL ARTERY^Dissection of renal artery^^11^331,332,333
+34 ;;443.24^DISSECTION OF VERTEBRAL ARTERY^Dissection of vertebral artery^^5^130,131
+35 ;;443.29^DISSECTION OF OTHER ARTERY^Dissection of other artery^^5^130,131
+36 ;;445.01^ATHEROEMBOLISM, UPPER EXTREMI^Atheroembolism, upper extremity^^5^130,131
+37 ;;445.02^ATHEROEMBOLISM, LOWER EXTREM^Atheroembolism, lower extremity^^5^130,131
+38 ;;445.81^ATHEROEMBOLISM, KIDNEY^Atheroembolism, kidney^^11^331,332,333
+39 ;;445.89^ATHEROEMBOLISM, OTHER SITE^Atheroembolism, other site^^5^130,131
+40 ;;454.8^VARICOSE VEINS W OTHER COMPLI^Varicose veins of the lower extremities, with other complications ^^5^130,131
+41 ;;459.10^POSTPHLEBETIC W/O COMPLICAT^Postphlebetic syndrome without complications^^5^130,131
+42 ;;459.11^POSTPHLEBETIC WITH ULCER^Postphlebetic syndrome with ulcer^^5^130,131
+43 ;;459.12^POSTPHLEBETIC W INFLAMMATION^Postphlebetic syndrome with inflammation^^5^130,131
+44 ;;459.13^POSTPHLEBETIC W ULCER/INFLAM^Postphlebetic syndrome with ulcer and inflammation^^5^130,131
+45 ;;459.19^POSTPHLEBETIC W OTHER COMPLIC^Postphlebetic syndrome with other complication^^5^130,131
+46 ;;459.30^CHRONIC VEN HYPERTEN W/O COMP^Chronic venous hypertension without complications^^5^130,131
+47 ;;459.31^CHRONIC VENOUS HTN W ULCER^Chronic venous hypertension with ulcer^^5^130,131
+48 ;;459.32^CHRONIC VENOUS HTN W INFLAM^Chronic venous hypertension with inflammation^^5^130,131
+49 ;;459.33^CHRON VEN HTN W ULCER/INFLAM^Chronic venous hypertension with ulcer and inflammation^^5^130,131
+50 ;;459.39^CHRON VEN HTN W OTHER COMPLI^Chronic venous hypertension with other complication^^5^130,131
+51 ;;537.84^DIELULAFOY OF STOMACH/DUODEN^Dielulafoy lesion hemorrhagic) of stomach and duodenum^^6^174,175
+52 ;;569.86^DIELULAFOY LESION OF INTESTINE^Dieulafoy lesion (hemorrhagic) of intestine^^6^188,189,190
+53 ;;633.00^ABDOMI PREG W/O INTRAUTER PREG^Abdominal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+54 ;;633.01^ABDOMI PREG W INTRAUTER PREG^Abdominal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+55 ;;633.10^TUBAL PREG W/O INTRAUTER PREG^Tubal pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+56 ;;633.11^TUBAL PREG WITH INTRAUTER PREG^Tubal pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+57 ;;633.20^OVARIAN PREG W/O INTRAU PREG^Ovarian pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+58 ;;633.21^OVARIAN PREG WITH INTRAU PREG^Ovarian pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+59 ;;633.80^ECTOPIC PREG W/O INTRAU PREG^Other ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+60 ;;633.81^ECTOPIC PREG WITH INTRAU PREG^Other ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+61 ;;633.90^UNSPEC ECTO PREG W/O INTR PREG^Unspecified ectopic pregnancy without intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+62 ;;633.91^UNSPEC ECTOP PREG W INTRA PREG^Unspecified ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine pregnancy^Female^14^378
+63 ;;747.83^PERSISTENT FETAL CIRCULATION^Persistent fetal circulation^^15^387,389
+64 ;;765.20^UNSPEC WEEKS OF GESTATION^Unspecified weeks of gestation^^15^391
+65 ;;765.21^LESS THAN 24 WKS OF GESTATION^Less than 24 completed weeks of gestation^^15^386
+66 ;;765.22^24 COMPLETED WEEKS GESTATION^24 completed weeks of gestation^^15^386
+67 ;;765.23^25-26 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^25-26 completed weeks of gestation^^15^386
+68 ;;765.24^27-28 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^27-28 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
+69 ;;765.25^29-30 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^29-30 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
+70 ;;765.26^31-32 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^31-32 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
+71 ;;765.27^33-34 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^33-34 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
+72 ;;765.28^35-36 COMPLETED WKS GESTATION^35-36 completed weeks of gestation^^15^387,388
+73 ;;765.29^37 OR MORE WEEKS OF GESTATION^37 or more completed weeks of gestation^^15^391
+74 ;;770.81^PRIMARY APNEA OF NEWBORN^Primary apnea of newborn^^15^390
+75 ;;770.82^OTHER APNEA OF NEWBORN^Other apnea of newborn^^15^390
+76 ;;770.83^CYANOTIC ATTACKS OF NEWBORN^Cyanotic attacks of newborn^^15^390
+77 ;;770.84^RESPIRATORY FAILURE NEWBORN^Respiratory failure of newborn^^15^387,389
+78 ;;770.89^OTHER RESPIR PROB AFTER BIRTH^Other respiratory problems after birth^^15^390
+79 ;;771.81^SEPTICEMIA OF NEWBORN^Septicemia [sepsis] of newborn^^15^387,389
+80 ;;771.82^URINARY TRACT INFECT NEWBORN^Urinary tract infection of newborn^^15^387,389
+81 ;;771.83^BACTEREMIA OF NEWBORN^Bacteremia of newborn^^15^387,389
+82 ;;771.89^INFECT SPEC PERINATAL PERIOD^Other infections specific to the perinatal period^^15^387,389
+83 ;;779.81^NEONATAL BRADYCARDIA^Neonatal bradycardia^^15^390
+84 ;;779.82^NEONATAL TACHYCARDIA^Neonatal tachycardia^^15^390
+85 ;;779.89^OTH SPEC COND PERINATAL PERIOD^Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period^^15^390
+86 ;;780.91^FUSSY INFANT^Fussy infant (baby)^^23^463,464
+87 ;;780.92^EXCESSIVE CRYING OF INFANT^Excessive crying of infant (baby)^^23^463,464
+88 ;;780.99^OTHER GENERAL SYMPTOMS^Other general symptoms^^23^463,464
+89 ;;781.93^OCULAR TORTICOLLIS^Ocular torticollis^^8^243
+90 ;;795.00^NONSPEC ABNORMAL PAP SMEAR^Nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of cervix, unspecified^Female^13^358,359,369
+91 ;;795.01^ATYP SQUAM CELL BENIGN ASCUS^Atypical squamous cell changes of undetermined significance favor benign (ASCUS favor benign)^^13^358,359,369
+92 ;;795.02^ATYP SQUAM CELL DYSPLASIA ASC^Atypical squamous cell changes of undetermined significance favor dysplasia (ASCUS favor dysplasia)^^13^358,359,369
+93 ;;795.09^OTH NONSPEC ABN PAP SMEAR CERV^Other nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of cervix^^13^358,359,369
+94 ;;795.31^NONSPEC POSITIVE ANTHRAX^Nonspecific positive findings for anthrax^^18^423
+95 ;;795.39^OTH NONSPEC CULTURE FINDINGS^Other nonspecific positive culture findings^^18^423
+96 ;;813.45^TORUS FRACTURE OF RADIUS^Torus fracture of radius^^8^250,251,252
+97 ;;823.40^TORUS FRACTURE TIBIA^Torus fracture, tibia alone^^8^253,254,255
+98 ;;823.41^TORUS FRACTURE FIBULA^Torus fracture, fibula alone^^8^253,254,255
+99 ;;823.42^TORUS FX FIBULA WITH TIBIA^Torus fracture, fibula with tibia^^8^253,254,255
+100 ;;995.90^SYSTEMIC INFLAM SYNDROME^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, unspecified^^18^416,417
+101 ;;995.91^SYS INFLAM INFECT W/O ORGAN^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, due to infectious process without organ dysfunction^^18^416,417
+102 ;;995.92^SYS INFLAM INFECT WITH ORGAN^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, due to infectious process with organ dysfunction^^18^416,417
+103 ;;995.93^SYS INFLAM NON-INFECT W/O ORG^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, due to non-infectious process without organ dysfunction^^18^416,417
+104 ;;995.94^SYS INFLAM NON-INFECT W ORG^Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, due to non-infectious process with organ dysfunction^^18^416,417
+105 ;;998.31^DISRUPTION INTERNAL OP WOUND^Disruption of internal operation wound^^21^452,453
+106 ;;998.32^DISRUPTION EXTERNAL OP WOUND^Disruption of external operation wound^^21^452,453
+107 ;;END
+1 SET U="^"
+2 WRITE !," CODE",?10,"DIAGNOSIS",!?10,"DESCRIPTION",!," -----",?10,"-----------"
+3 NEW X,Y,P2,P3
+4 FOR X=1:1
WRITE !," ",$PIECE(Y,U,1),?10,$SELECT($LENGTH(P3):P3,1:P2),!?10,P2
+6 ;