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Routine: AUM91B


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AUM91B ; IHS/SD/DMJ,SDR - ICD 9 E CODES FOR FY 2009 ; [ 09/21/2004  10:27 AM ]
 ;;10.2;TABLE MAINTENANCE;;MAR 09, 2010
 ;;E927.0^Overexert-sudden stren movemnt^Overexertion from sudden strenuous movement
 ;;E927.1^Overexert-prolong static postn^Overexertion from prolonged static position
 ;;E927.2^Excess phys exert-prolong actv^Excessive physical exertion from prolonged activity
 ;;E927.3^Cum trauma-repetitive motion^Cumulative trauma from repetitive motion
 ;;E927.4^Cum trauma-repetitive impact^Cumulative trauma from repetitive impact
 ;;E927.8^Oth overexert/stren/repet movm^Other overexertion and strenuous and repetitive movements or loads
 ;;E927.9^Overexert/stren/repet mov NOS^Unspecified overexertion and strenuous and repetitive movements or loads
 ;;37.52^Implant int bivent heart replac sys^Implantation of internal biventricular heart replacement system
 ;;37.53^Repl/repair thor unit replac heart^Replacement or repair of thoracic unit of (total) replacement heart system^^5-215
 ;;37.54^Repl/repair oth impl comp repl heart^Replacement or repair of other implantable component of (total) replacement heart system^^5-215
 ;;37.62^Ins temp non-implant extracorpor dev^Insertion of temporary non-implantable extracorporeal circulatory assist device
 ;;37.64^Remov ext heart assist system/device^Removal of external heart assist system(s) or device(s)
 ;;37.65^Implant single ventriclr extrnal sys^Implant of single ventricular (extracorporeal) external heart assist system
 ;;45.71^Open and oth mult seg res lrg intest^Open and other multiple segmental resection of large intestine^^6-329,330,331~17-820,821,822,826,827,828~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;45.72^Open and other cecectomy^Open and other cecectomy^^5-264~6-329,330,331~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;45.73^Open and other right hemicolectomy^Open and other right hemicolectomy^^5-264~6-329,330,331~17-820,821,822,826,827,828~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;45.74^Open and oth resec tranverse colon^Open and other resection of transverse colon^^5-264~6-329,330,331~17-820,821,822,826,827,828~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;45.75^Open and other left hemicolectomy^Open and other left hemicolectomy^^5-264~6-329,330,331~10-628,629,630~17-820,821,822,826,827,828~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;45.76^Open and other sigmoidectomy^Open and other sigmoidectomy^^6-329,330,331~17-820,821,822,826,827,828~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;45.79^Oth/unsp part excis lrg intestine^Other and unspecified partial excision of large intestine^^5-264~6-329,330,331~17-820,821,822,826,827,828~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;53.01^Oth/open repair direct inguin hernia^Other and open repair of direct inguinal hernia^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.02^Oth/open repair indir inguin hernia^Other and open repair of indirect inguinal hernia^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.03^Oth/open repair dir ing hern w/grf^Other and open repair of direct inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.04^Oth/open repair indir ing hern w/grf^Other and open repair of indirect inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.11^Oth/open bilat repair dir ingu herni^Other and open bilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.12^Oth/open bilat repair indir ing hern^Other and open bilateral repair of indirect inguinal hernia^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.13^Oth/opn bilat rpr ing hern 1 dir/ind^Other and open bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, one direct and one indirect^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.14^Oth/opn bilat rpr dir ing hern w/gft^Other and open bilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.15^Oth/opn bila rpr indir ing hern w/gf^Other and open bilateral repair of indirect inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.16^Oth/open bil rpr ing hern 1 dir/ind^Other and open bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, one direct and one indirect, with graft or prosthesis^^6-350,351,352
 ;;53.41^Oth/open repair umbil hernia w/gft^Other and open repair of umbilical hernia with graft or prosthesis^^^6-353,354,355
 ;;53.49^Other open umbilical herniorrhaphy^Other open umbilical herniorrhaphy^^6-353,354,355~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;53.61^Oth/open incisional hernia w/graft^Other open incisional hernia repair with graft or prosthesis^^6-353,354,355~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;53.69^Oth/opn rpr oth hern ant abd wl w/gf^Other and open repair of other hernia of anterior abdominal wall with graft or prosthesis^^6-353,354,355
 ;;81.65^Percutaneous vertebroplasty^Percutaneous vertebroplasty^^8-515,516,517~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;81.66^Percutaneous vertebral augmentation^Percutaneous vertebral augmentation^^8-515,516,517~21-907,908,909~24-957,958,959
 ;;84.56^Insert/replace of (cement) spacer^Insertion or replacement of (cement) spacer
 ;;93.90^Non-invasive mechanical ventilation^Non-invasive mechanical ventilation
 ;;96.70^Cont invas mech vent, unsp dur^Continuous invasive mechanical ventilation of unspecified duration
 ;;96.71^Cont invas mech vent <96 consec hrs^Continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours
 ;;96.72^Cont invas mech vent 96 consec hrs^Continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more
 S U="^"
 W !," CODE",?10,"DIAGNOSIS",!?10,"DESCRIPTION",!," -----",?10,"-----------"
 NEW X,Y,P2,P3
 F X=1:1 S Y=$P($T(ICD9NEW+X),";;",3),P2=$P(Y,U,2),P3=$P(Y,U,3) Q:Y="END"  W !," ",$P(Y,U,1),?10,$S($L(P3):P3,1:P2),!?10,P2