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Routine: AUM91C


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AUM91C ;IHS/SD/DMJ,SDR,GTH - ICD 9 CODES FOR FY 2009 ; [ 08/18/2003   4:01 PM ]
 ;;10.2;TABLE MAINTENANCE;;MAR 09, 2010
 ;;038.11^Meth suscept Staph aureus sept^Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus septicemia
 ;;041.11^Methicillin suscept Staph aur^Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus
 ;;051.0^Cowpox & vaccinia-not frm vacc^Cowpox and vaccinia not from vaccination
 ;;203.00^Mult myeloma w/o achv remissn^Multiple myeloma, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;203.10^Plas cell leuk w/o ach remis^Plasma cell leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;203.80^Oth immunopro neop w/o ach rem^Other immunoproliferative neoplasms, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;204.00^Ac lymphoid leuk w/o ach remis^Acute lymphoid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,834,835,836
 ;;204.10^Chr lymph leuk w/o achv remiss^Chronic lymphoid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;204.20^Subac lymph leuk w/o ach remis^Subacute lymphoid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;204.80^Other lymph leuk w/o ach remis^Other lymphoid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;204.90^Unsp lymph leuk w/o achv remis^Unspecified lymphoid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;205.00^Ac myeloid leuk w/o achv remis^Acute myeloid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,834,835,836
 ;;205.10^Chr myeloid leuk w/o ach remis^Chronic myeloid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;205.20^Subac myel leuk w/o achv remis^Subacute myeloid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;205.30^Myeloid sarcoma w/o achv remis^Myeloid sarcoma, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;205.80^Oth myelod leuk w/o achv remis^Other myeloid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;205.90^Unsp myelod leuk w/o ach remis^Unspecified myeloid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;206.00^Ac monocytc leuk w/o ach remis^Acute monocytic leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,834,835,836
 ;;206.10^Chr monocytic leuk w/o remiss^Chronic monocytic leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;206.20^Subac monocytic leuk w/o remis^Subacute monocytic leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;206.80^Oth moncytic leuk w/o ach remi^Other monocytic leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;206.90^Unsp moncytc leuk w/o ach remi^Unspecified monocytic leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;207.00^Ac erythrmia/leuk w/o ach remi^Acute erythremia and erythroleukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,834,835,836
 ;;207.10^Chr erythremia w/o ach remis^Chronic erythremia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;207.20^Megakryocytc leuk w/o ach remi^Megakaryocytic leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;207.80^Oth spec leukemia w/o ach remi^Other specified leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;208.00^Acu leuk unsp cell w/o remiss^Acute leukemia of unspecified cell type, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,834,835,836
 ;;208.10^Chr leuk,unsp cell w/o remiss^Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;208.20^Subac leuk unsp cell w/o remis^Subacute leukemia of unspecified cell type, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;208.80^Oth leuk unsp cell, w/o remiss^Other leukemia of unspecified cell type, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;208.90^Unsp leukemia w/o remission^Unspecified leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission^^17^820,821,822,823,824,825
 ;;346.00^Migraine w/aura w/o intra migr^Migraine with aura, without mention of intractable migraine without mention of status migrainosus^^1^102,103
 ;;346.01^Migraine w/aura w/intrac migr^Migraine with aura, with intractable migraine, so stated, without mention of status migrainosus^^1^102,103
 ;;346.10^Migraine w/aura w/o intrac mig^Migraine without aura, without mention of intractable migraine without mention of status migrainosus^^1^102,103
 ;;346.11^Migraine w/aura w/intrac migr^Migraine without aura, with intractable migraine, so stated, without mention of status migrainosus^^1^102,103
 ;;346.20^Vrnts migrne NEC w/o intr migr^Variants of migraine, not elsewhere classified, without mention of intractable migraine without mention of status migrainosus^^1^102,103
 ;;346.21^Vrnts migraine NEC w/intr migr^Variants of migraine, not elsewhere classified, with intractable migraine, so stated, without mention of status migrainosus^^1^102,103
 ;;346.80^Oth frms miagrn w/o intr migrn^Other forms of migraine, without mention of intractable migraine without mention of status migrainosus^^1^102,103
 ;;346.81^Oth frms miagrn w/intr migrn^Other forms of migraine, with intractable migraine, so stated, without mention of status migrainosus^^1^102,103
 ;;346.90^Migraine,unsp w/o intract migr^Migraine, unspecified, without mention of intractable migraine without mention of status migrainosus
 ;;346.91^Migraine,unsp w intract migrne^Migraine, unspecified, with intractable migraine, so stated, without mention of status migrainosus
 ;;386.00^Meniere's disease, unspecified^M[eacute]ni[egrave]re's disease, unspecified^^3^149
 ;;386.01^Active Meniere's dx cochlvestb^Active M[eacute]ni[egrave]re's disease, cochleovestibular^^3^149
 ;;386.02^Active Meniere's dx, cochlear^Active M[eacute]ni[egrave]re's disease, cochlear^^3^149
 ;;386.03^Actve Meniere's dx, vestibular^Active M[eacute]ni[egrave]re's disease, vestibular^^3^149
 ;;386.04^Inactive Meniere's disease^Inactive M[eacute]ni[egrave]re's disease^^3^149
 ;;482.41^Meth suscept pneum- Staph aur^Methicillin susceptible pneumonia due to Staphylococcus aureus
 ;;707.00^Pressure ulcer, unspec site^Pressure ulcer, unspecified site^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.01^Pressure ulcer, elbow^Pressure ulcer, elbow^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.02^Pressure ulcer, upper back^Pressure ulcer, upper back^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.03^Pressure ulcer, lower back^Pressure ulcer, lower back^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.04^Pressure ulcer, hip^Pressure ulcer, hip^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.05^Pressure ulcer, buttock^Pressure ulcer, buttock^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.06^Pressure ulcer, ankle^Pressure ulcer, ankle^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.07^Pressure ulcer, heel^Pressure ulcer, heel^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.09^Pressure ulcer, other site^Pressure ulcer, other site^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.10^Unspec ulcer,low limb,exc pres^Ulcer of lower limbs, except pressure ulcer, ulcer of lower limbs, unspecified^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.11^Thigh ulcer,low limb exc press^Ulcer of lower limbs, except pressure ulcer, ulcer of thigh^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.12^Calf ulcer,low limb exc press^Ulcer of lower limbs, except pressure ulcer, ulcer of calf^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.13^Ankle ulcer,lowr limb exc pres^Ulcer of lower limbs, except pressure ulcer, ulcer of ankle^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.14^Heel,midfoot ulcer,low limb^Ulcer of lower limbs, except pressure ulcer, ulcer of heel and midfoot^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.15^Ulcer,foot,oth part,low limb^Ulcer of lower limbs, except pressure ulcer, ulcer of other part of foot^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;707.19^Other lower limb ulcer^Ulcer of lower limbs, except pressure ulcer, ulcer of other part of lower limb^^9^573,574,575,592,593,594
 ;;776.9^Unspc hematological disord,NB^Unspecified hematological disorder specific to newborn^^15^794
 ;;780.6^Fever,oth physiologc dist,temp^Fever and other physiologic disturbances of temperature regulation
 ;;795.1^Nonspc abn Pap smear,oth site^Nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of other site Abnormal Papanicolaou smear of vagina and vaginal HPV
 ;;795.08^Unsatis cervcl cytology smear^Unsatisfactory cervical cytology smear^^13^742,743,760,761
 ;;998.31^Disruption,internal oper wound^Disruption of internal operation (surgical) wound^^21^919,920,921
 ;;998.32^Disruption,external oper wound^Disruption of external operation (surgical) wound
 ;;V28.3^Routine screen,malformation US^Encounter for routine screening for malformation using ultrasonics^^23^951
 ;;V45.71^Acq absence of breast/nipple^Acquired absence of breast and nipple^^23^951
 S U="^"
 W !," CODE",?10,"DIAGNOSIS",!?10,"DESCRIPTION",!," -----",?10,"-----------"
 NEW X,Y,P2,P3
 F X=1:1 S Y=$P($T(ICD9NEW+X),";;",3),P2=$P(Y,U,2),P3=$P(Y,U,3) Q:Y="END"  W !," ",$P(Y,U,1),?10,$S($L(P3):P3,1:P2),!?10,P2