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Routine: BEHON005


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BEHON005 ;ISC/XTSUMBLD KERNEL - Package checksum checker ;3110126.113309
 ;;1.1;BEH COMPONENTS;;Jan 05,2011
 S XT4="I 1",X=$T(+3) W !!,"Checksum routine created on ",$P(X,";",4)," by KERNEL V",$P(X,";",3),!
CONT F XT1=1:1 S XT2=$T(ROU+XT1) Q:XT2=""  S X=$P(XT2," ",1),XT3=$P(XT2,";",3) X XT4 I $T W !,X X ^%ZOSF("TEST") S:'$T XT3=0 X:XT3 ^%ZOSF("RSUM") W ?10,$S('XT3:"Routine not in UCI",XT3'=Y:"Calculated "_$C(7)_Y_", off by "_(Y-XT3),1:"ok")
 K %1,%2,%3,X,Y,XT1,XT2,XT3,XT4 Q
ONE S XT4="I $D(^UTILITY($J,X))",X=$T(+3) W !!,"Checksum routine created on ",$P(X,";",4)," by KERNEL V",$P(X,";",3),!
 W !,"Check a subset of routines:" K ^UTILITY($J) X ^%ZOSF("RSEL")
ROU ;;
BEHOENCX ;;14890246
BEHOENIN ;;2442114
BEHOENPC ;;13557508
BEHOENP1 ;;5246753
BEHOENPS ;;11196921
BEHOENPP ;;9098466
BEHOENPR ;;1832451
BEHOENPV ;;8753407
BEHOENC1 ;;9401615