Prompt: !!,"Please choose an output type. For an explanation of the delimited",!,"file please see the user manual.",!
Line Location: PT+2
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"You have selected to create a delimited output file. You can have this",!,"output file created as a text file in the pub directory, ",!,"OR you can have the delimited output display on your screen so that"
Line Location: PT+8
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !,"you can do a file capture. Keep in mind that if you choose to",!,"do a screen capture you CANNOT Queue your report to run in the background!!",!!
Line Location: PT+9
Function Call: WRITE
Prompt: !!,"When the report is finished your delimited output will be found in the",!,$P($G(^AUTTSITE(1,1)),U,2)," directory. The filename will be ",BGPDELF,".txt",!