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Routine: BGPDP5

Package: IHS GPRA Information System

Routine: BGPDP5


BGPDP5 ; IHS/CMI/LAB - print ind 5 ;

Source Information

Source file <BGPDP5.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 2

Package Total Call Graph
IHS GPRA Information System 1 (H1,H2,HEADER)^BGPDPH  
VA Fileman 1 COMMA^%DTC  

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 1

Package Total Caller Graph
IHS GPRA Information System 1 BGPDP  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SET22 ;
VA ;
I5A ;EP ;
I5C ;EP ;
I5B ;EP ;
V(R,N,P) ;
C(X,X2,X3) ;

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
H1^BGPDPH I5A+7, I5B+7, I5C+8
H2^BGPDPH I5A+13, I5B+13, I5C+14
HEADER^BGPDPH I5A+2, I5A+6, I5B+2, I5B+6, I5C+2, I5C+7

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Indicator 5A: Diabetes-Reduce Diabetic Complications - Nephropathy Assessment"
  • Line Location: I5A+3
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Denominator is all patients with a DM diagnosis ever."
  • Line Location: I5A+4
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Continue the trend of increasing the proportion of I/T/U clients with diagnosed",!,"diabetes assessed for nephropathy.",!
  • Line Location: I5A+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"# diagnosed w/diabetes",?22,$$C(BGP98D,0,8),?37,$$C(BGPPRD,0,8),?52,$$C(BGPCYD,0,8)
  • Line Location: I5A+11
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"# w/Positive Urine Val",!?2,"recorded w/in 1 yr of",!?2,"end of time period"
  • Line Location: I5A+12
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Indicator 5B: Diabetes-Reduce Diabetic Complications - Nephropathy Assessment"
  • Line Location: I5B+3
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Denominator is all patients with a DM diagnosis ever, with at least",!,"2 visits in the year prior to the end of the time period and the first",!,"ever recorded diagnosis of Diabetes > 1year prior to the end of the time period."
  • Line Location: I5B+4
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Continue the trend of increasing the proportion of I/T/U clients with diagnosed",!,"diabetes assessed for nephropathy.",!
  • Line Location: I5B+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"# diagnosed w/diabetes",?22,$$C(BGP98D,0,8),?37,$$C(BGPPRD,0,8),?52,$$C(BGPCYD,0,8)
  • Line Location: I5B+11
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"# w/Positive Urine Val",!?2,"recorded w/in 1 yr of",!?2,"end of time period"
  • Line Location: I5B+12
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Indicator 5C: Diabetes-Reduce Diabetic Complications - Nephropathy Assessment"
  • Line Location: I5C+3
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Denominator is all patients with a DM diagnosis ever, who are 19 or older",!,"who had at least 2 diabetes related encounters ever, at least one",!,"encounter in a primary clinic with a primary provider for diabetes,"
  • Line Location: I5C+4
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"and an absence of a creatinine value of 5.0 or greater."
  • Line Location: I5C+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Continue the trend of increasing the proportion of I/T/U clients with diagnosed",!,"diabetes assessed for nephropathy.",!
  • Line Location: I5C+6
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"# diagnosed w/diabetes",?22,$$C(BGP98D,0,8),?37,$$C(BGPPRD,0,8),?52,$$C(BGPCYD,0,8)
  • Line Location: I5C+12
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"# w/Positive Urine Val",!?2,"recorded w/in 1 yr of",!?2,"end of time period"
  • Line Location: I5C+13

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^BGPD - [#90240.01] V+3, VA+2

Label References

Name Line Occurrences
$$C I5A+11, I5B+11, I5C+12
$$V I5A+8, I5A+9, I5A+10, I5B+8, I5B+9, I5B+10, I5C+9, I5C+10, I5C+11, SET22+1
, SET22+2, SET22+3
VA V+2

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
B VA+1~, VA+5*, VA+6*
>> BGP98D I5A+9*, I5A+11, I5B+9*, I5B+11, I5C+10*, I5C+12, SET22+2
>> BGP98N I5A+9*, I5B+9*, I5C+10*, SET22+2*
>> BGP98P I5A+9*, I5B+9*, I5C+10*, SET22+2*
>> BGPCYD I5A+8*, I5A+11, I5B+8*, I5B+11, I5C+9*, I5C+12, SET22+1
>> BGPCYN I5A+8*, I5B+8*, I5C+9*, SET22+1*
>> BGPCYP I5A+8*, I5B+8*, I5C+9*, SET22+1*
>> BGPP2 SET22+1, SET22+2, SET22+3
>> BGPPRD I5A+10*, I5A+11, I5B+10*, I5B+11, I5C+11*, I5C+12, SET22+3
>> BGPPRN I5A+10*, I5B+10*, I5C+11*, SET22+3*
>> BGPPRP I5A+10*, I5B+10*, I5C+11*, SET22+3*
>> BGPQUIT I5A+6, I5B+6, I5C+7
>> BGPRPT I5A+8, I5A+9, I5A+10, I5B+8, I5B+9, I5B+10, I5C+9, I5C+10, I5C+11, SET22+1
, SET22+2, SET22+3
C VA+1~*, VA+3*, VA+4, VA+7*, VA+9
F VA+1~, VA+4*, VA+6
FT VA+1~, VA+4*, VA+6*, VA+7
IOSL I5A+6, I5B+6, I5C+7
M VA+1~, VA+4*, VA+5
MT VA+1~, VA+4*, VA+5*, VA+7
N CALC~, CALC+2, CALC+4*, CALC+7, V~, V+3, VA+2
P V~, V+3, VA+2
R V~, V+3
U V+3, VA+2
V VA+1~, VA+2*, VA+3, VA+4
X CALC+3~, CALC+4*, CALC+5*, VA+1~*, VA+2, C~, C+2
X2 CALC+3~, CALC+4*, CALC+5*, C~
X3 CALC+3~, CALC+4*, CALC+5*, C~
Y V+1~
Z CALC+1~, CALC+7*, CALC+8
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