;EP - REM.P.03
; Mammogram Due
; Numerator: All female patients ages 50-69 without documented bilateral mastectomy (P.01)
; Due date = Today, if no Mammogram (P.05) ever documented.
; Due date = Date of most mammogram + 365 days (or 12 months).
; If "Now," then text = "Mammogram may be due now; last documented [date]."
; Write out the reminder
;EP - REM.T.06
; Pap Smear Due
; Numerator: All female patients ages 18 through 64 (on Report end date) without documented hysterectomy (P.04)
; Due date = Today, if Pap smear (T.20) not ever documented. OR
; ** EN/KH - Next two lines conflict (<= and >=) and Eric P. agreed, go with 6/4/2004 logic (+183 days if <200, else +365)
; Due date = Most recent Pap smear + 183 days (or 6 months) if most recent CD4 Absolute laboratory (T.30) value is <= 200. OR
; Due date = Most recent Pap smear + 365 days (or 12 months) if most recent CD4 Absolute laboratory (T.30) value is >= 200.
; Above two lines were changed from CD4 (T.2) to CD4 Absolute (T.30)
; If "Now," then text = "A Pap smear may be due now; last documented [date]."