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Routine: BSTSAPI


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BSTSAPI ;GDIT/HS/BEE-Standard Terminology API Program ; 5 Nov 2012  9:53 AM
 ;;2.0;IHS STANDARD TERMINOLOGY;;Dec 01, 2016;Build 62
 ; See SEARCH^BSTSAPIA for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
CODESETS(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Return list of available code sets
 ; See CODESETS^BSTSAPIA for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
VERSIONS(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Return a list of available versions for a code set
 ; See VERSIONS^BSTSAPIA for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
CVRSN(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Return the Current Version For the Code Set
 ; See CVRSN^BSTSAPID for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
SUBSET(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Return the list of subsets available for a Code Set
 ; See SUBSET^BSTSAPIA for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
VALTERM(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns whether a given term is a valid
 ; See VALTERM^BSTSAPIB for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
DSCLKP(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns detail information for a specified Description Id
 ; See DSCLKP^BSTSAPIB for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
DTSLKP(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns detail information for a specified DTS Id
 ; See DTSLKP^BSTSAPIB for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
CNCLKP(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns detail information for a specified Concept Id
 ; See CNCLKP^BSTSAPIB for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
ASSOC(IN) ;PEP - Returns the associations for each type (SMD, RxNorm, UNII)
 ; See ASSOC^BSTSAPIF for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
DI2RX(IN) ;PEP - Performs a drug ingredient lookup on a specified value
 ; Returns only the first RxNorm mapping as a function call output
 ; See DI2RX^BSTSAPIF for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
I10ADV(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns Formatted ICD-10 mapping information for a specified Concept Id
 ; See I10ADV^BSTSAPID for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
MPADVICE(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns ICD-10 mapping information for a specified Concept Id
 ; See MPADVICE^BSTSAPIC for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
SUBLST(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns a list of concepts in a specified subset
 ; See SUBLST^BSTSAPIC for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
VALSBTRM(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns whether a given term is in a particular subset
 ; See VALSBTRM^BSTSAPIB for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
ICD2SMD(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns the SNOMED terms which map to a given ICD9 code
 ; See ICD2SMD^BSTSAPID for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
DILKP(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Performs a drug ingredient lookup on a specified value
 ; See DILKP^BSTSAPIF for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
 ;BSTS*1.0*7;Added EQUIV API Call
EQUIV(OUT,IN) ;PEP - Returns equivalent laterality concepts
 ; See EQUIV^BSTSAPIF for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
VSBTRMF(IN) ;PEP - Function Call: Returns whether a given term is in a particular subset
 ; OUT - Output variable/global to return information in (VAR)
 ;  IN - P1 - Description Id of term to check
 ;     - P2 - The subset to look in
 ;     - P3 (Optional) - The code set Id (default SNOMED '36')
 ;     - P4 (Optional) - LOCAL - Pass 1 or blank to perform local listing,
 ;                       Pass 2 for remote DTS listing
 ;     - P5 (Optional) - DEBUG - Pass 1 to display debug information
 ; VAR = 1:Term is in the provided subset
 ;       0:Term is not in the provided subset
DESC(IN) ;PEP - Function Call: Returns detail information for a specified Description Id
 ; OUT - Output variable/global to return information in (VAR)
 ;  IN - P1 - The Description Id to look up
 ;     - P2 (Optional) - The code set Id (default SNOMED '36')
 ;     - P3 (Optional) - LOCAL - Pass 1 or blank to perform local listing,
 ;                       Pass 2 for remote DTS listing
 ;     - P4 (Optional) - DEBUG - Pass 1 to display debug information
 ;     - P5 (Optional) - Snapshot Date to check (default DT)
 ;     - P6 (Optional) - Mapping Parameters - Ex. EPI=288527008;VST=2087394;AF=With;PRB=50239
 ; Function returns - [1]^[2]^[3]
 ; [1] - Concept Id
 ; [2] - Term Description
 ; [3] - Mapped ICD Values (based on P5 Snapshot Date)
 ; [4] - Mapped ICD9 Values
 ; [5] - Prompt for Abnormal/Normal Findings (1-Yes,0-No)
 ; [6] - Prompt for Laterality (1-Yes,0-No)
 ; [7] - Default status (Chronic, Personal History, Sub-acute, Admin, Social)
 ; [8] - Prompt for Healing (RDNM, RDN, RD)
 ; [9] - List of healing choices to display (ex. 717128007|NL Union;28087009|Delayed)
CONC(IN) ;PEP - Returns detail information for a specified Concept Id
 ; OUT - Output variable/global to return information in (VAR)
 ;  IN - P1 - The Concept Id to look up
 ;     - P2 (Optional) - The code set Id (default SNOMED '36')
 ;     - P3 (Optional) - Snapshot Date to check (default DT)
 ;     - P4 (Optional) - LOCAL - Pass 1 or blank to perform local listing,
 ;                       Pass 2 for remote DTS listing
 ;     - P5 (Optional) - DEBUG - Pass 1 to display debug information
 ;     - P6 (Optional) - Mapping Parameters - Ex. EPI=288527008;VST=2087394;AF=With;PRB=50239
 ; Function returns - [1]^[2]^[3]^[4]^[5]^[6]^[7]^[8]^[9]^[10]^[11]
 ; [1] - Description Id of Fully Specified Name
 ; [2] - Fully Specified Name
 ; [3] - Description Id of Preferred Term
 ; [4] - Preferred Term
 ; [5] - Mapped ICD Values (based on P3 Snapshot Date)
 ; [6] - Mapped ICD9 Values
 ; [7] - Prompt for Abnormal/Normal Findings (1-Yes,0-No)
 ; [8] - Prompt for Laterality (1-Yes,0-No)
 ; [9] - Default status (Chronic, Personal History, Sub-acute, Admin, Social)
 ; [10] - Prompt for Healing (RDNM, RDN, RD)
 ; [11] - List of healing choices to display (ex. 717128007|NL Union;28087009|Delayed)
RCONC(CONC,NMID,BSTSRET) ;PEP - Return replacement concept(s) for a concept
 ; See RCONC^BSTSRPT for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.
RTERM(DESCID,NMID,BSTSRET) ;PEP - Return replacement term(s) for a term
 ; See RTERM^BSTSRPT for a detailed description of the input parameters
 ; and the output format.