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Routine: DGMTDD3


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  1. DGMTDD3 ;ALB/RMO - Individual Annual Income file (#408.21) Data Dictionary Calls ;17 MAR 1992 10:46 am
  1. ;;5.3;PIMS;**1015,1016**;JUN 30, 2012;Build 20
  1. ;
  1. ;DG*688 changed NET tag to only screen entry of Child Net Worth data when the means test is version 0
  1. ;
  1. ID ;Identifier for Individual Annual Income file
  1. N DGPRI
  1. S DGPRI=+$P($G(^(0)),U,2)
  1. W " ",$P($G(^DPT(+$G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),0)),U) W:$P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)'=1 " Relation: ",$$NAME^DGMTU1(DGPRI)," (",$$REL^DGMTU1(DGPRI),")"
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. EMP ;"Trigger" Cross-reference on the Total Income From Employment
  1. ;field (#.14) to delete educational expenses on file for a child
  1. I "^3^4^5^6^"[(U_$P($G(^DGPR(408.12,+$P(DGIN0,U,2),0)),U,2)_U),$P(DGIN0,U,14)-$P(DGMTPAR,U,17)'>0 D
  1. . I $P($G(^DGMT(408.21,DA,1)),U,3)]"" S DGVAL=$P(^(1),U,3),DGFLD=1.03 D KILL S $P(^DGMT(408.21,DA,1),U,3)=""
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. OTH ;"Trigger" Cross-reference on the Other Property or Assets
  1. ;field (#2.04) to delete debts on file
  1. I $P($G(^DGMT(408.21,DA,2)),U,5)]"" S DGVAL=$P(^(2),U,5),DGFLD=2.05 D KILL S $P(^DGMT(408.21,DA,2),U,5)=""
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. KILL ;Kill Cross-references
  1. N DGIX,X
  1. F S DGIX=$O(^DD(408.21,DGFLD,1,DGIX)) Q:'DGIX X ^(DGIX,2) S X=DGVAL
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. FUN ;Input Transform check for Funeral and Burial Expenses field (#1.02)
  1. N DGIRI
  1. S DGIRI=+$O(^DGMT(408.22,"AIND",DA,0))
  1. I $D(^DGMT(408.22,DGIRI,0)),'$P(^(0),U,5),'$P(^(0),U,8) W !?5,"This field does not need to be filled in unless the patient was married",!?5,"or had dependent children last calendar year." K X
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. NET ;Input Transform check for Net Worth fields (#2.01-#2.05)
  1. N DGPRI
  1. S DGPRI=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.21,DA,0)),U,2)
  1. ;DG*5.3*688 -- DGMTVR is the Means Test version indicator
  1. I '$D(DGMTVR) D
  1. . S (DGMT22I,DGMTVR2)=0 F Q:DGMTVR2 S DGMT22I=$O(^DGMT(408.22,"AIND",DA,DGMT22I)) Q:'DGMT22I D
  1. . . S DGMTVR2=+$G(^DGMT(408.22,DGMT22I,"MT"))
  1. . I DGMTVR2 S DGMTVR=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTVR2,2)),U,11) Q
  1. . S DGMTVR1=+$G(^DGMT(408.21,DA,"MT"))
  1. . I DGMTVR1 S DGMTVR=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTVR1,2)),U,11) Q
  1. I +$G(DGMTVR)=0 DO
  1. . I "^3^4^5^6^"[(U_$P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)_U) W !?5,"This field does not need to be filled in for a child." K X
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. DEB ;Input Transform check for Net Worth Debts field (#2.05)
  1. D NET
  1. I $D(X),$P($G(^DGMT(408.21,DA,2)),U,4)<X W !?5,"'Debts' cannot exceed 'Other Property or Assets'." K X
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. NAM ;Output Transform for Patient Relation field (#.02)
  1. S Y=$$NAME^DGMTU1(Y)
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. EDHLP ;Executable Help for Educational Expenses field (#1.03)
  1. N DGPRI
  1. S DGPRI=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.21,DA,0)),U,2)
  1. I $P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)=1 D VET
  1. I "^3^4^5^6^"[(U_$P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)_U) D CHILD
  1. W !!?5,"Type a Dollar Amount between 0 and 99999, 2 Decimal Digits",!
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. VET ;Veteran's educational expenses
  1. W !?5,"Enter in this field amounts paid by the veteran during the previous",!?5,"calendar year for the veteran's educational expense. Do not report"
  1. W !?5,"educational expenses of the veteran's children or spouse. Educational",!?5,"expenses include tuition, fees, and books if the veteran is enrolled",!?5,"in a program of education."
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. CHILD ;Child's educational expenses
  1. W !?5,"Enter in this field the child's educational expenses if the child is",!?5,"enrolled in a program of education beyond the high school level."
  1. W !?5,"Educational expenses include amounts paid for tuition, fees and books."
  1. Q